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Newbie questions

Posted: 31 Aug 2006
by guest
I bought MCFX with DBar add-on a few days ago.

I find that the prices where the Dbar alerts me to trade is usually different (higher for BUY, lower for SELL) when compared to the FXCM's trading platform prices. :shock:

Right now, I look at the charts on MCFX and when alerted, switch to FXCM trading platform to trade.

Anyone else having similar experience :?:

How are you dealing with this :?:

would apprceciate your help.

re: Prices

Posted: 03 Sep 2006
by Les
Are you saying that the MCFX feed is different than the FXCM feed when placed side by side?

The DecisionBar Alert posts the closing price of the signal bar.

It is likely that the price is slightly different by the time the alert is issued and you view the FXCM trading platform.
