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New Server Kaput - Alternative data feeds?

Posted: 04 Jan 2008
by MKlein
As I write, the new server has been out of action for about an hour.

When I try to log back in using the old data feeds (ports 7000, 8000, and 9000) I receive the message "unknown error". In principle, is it possible to use these ports with the new beta, and if so how?

M Klein

Posted: 07 Jan 2008
by Andrew Kirillov
Dear M Klein,

Yes we had problems for several hours. The new server couldn't handle specific requests. One of our customers manually edited workspaces and requested millions of bars. He generated so many requests that the system processed them for a long time and didn't respond to other requests. Some restrictions have been added and now the system handles such things properly.
We apologize for this fault, but it is still beta and it has minor problems. We are sure the high reliability will be archived quite soon, because the new system is well-designed and allows us to fix problems quickly without any negative consequences.

We don’t have additional data feeds on other ports, because we will introduce better alternative soon. You will have a choice to switch data feeds directly in MCFX and selected aggregated datafeed if necessary to avoid any possible interruptions. For instance FXCM didn’t provide data a few days on the recent holidays, but Gain capital did. The aggregated data feed solve this problem – you will have uninterruptible data stream

Posted: 28 Jan 2008
by kevin kolodzy

Your reply raises another issue. If FXCM is not supplying data, but GAIN is, and charts are using a combined datasource, that may result in BAD trades. If FXCM is closed for trading and FXCM is my broker, then acting on data from another source makes the situation worse, not better. If FXCM should be providing data during those times but has an outage, then your solution MAY provide some protection as long as FXCM trade servers accept orders even if their data servers are not working.