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Market Profile study

Posted: Oct 31 2006
by server
Hi everyone,
I found another indicator which I believe can be quite useful, but unfortunately it doesn't work. The code compiles and verifies alright, but when applied to a chart nothing happens. I'm using the lates build (I think), 644.1126. Tried to change some parameters to "true", and still nothing. Here it is, in case someone would like to point me in the right direction.

code starts here:

{Indicator: gkMtkProfileTL

gkMtkProfileTL Histogram Plot

Poor Man's Market Profile and Value Area Indicator

This indicator plots a rough estimate of a volume histogram for a user specified
number of bars using Trendlines. The indicator approximates the volume
distribution within a bar by use of a sin or uniform distribution. This approximated
distribution is then accumulated over the user specified number of bars to form the histogram.

For intraday charts the user may specify a fixed length moving window for the histogram (e.g.,
the last hour's number of bars) or one that starts a 1 to 5 days prior and includes all the data
up through the current bar. A feature not yet implemented is same as the latter except that today's
data is not used.

The histogram uses color to identify two Value Zones based upon user specified area percentages (e.g.,
70% (Zone1) and 90% (Zone2)).

ProfileLength : number of bars to use for the profile (<= 2000)
HistoWindowType : 0: use a fixed length (ProfileLength) window that moves with each new bar, otherwise (v2.6)
1: histogram from 1st bar NbrDaysBack through current bar (uses todays data)
2: histogram from 1st bar NbrDaysBack through close of prior day (doesn't use todays data) ***NOT YET IMPLEMENTED***
NbrDaysBack : Number of days back to start the histogram (range: 1 to 5 days) (v2.6)
Zone1 and Zone2 : Value zone areas in percent (Must be between 0 and 100); Zone1 Prob < Zone2 Prob
Zone1Color : Color of 1st (Inter) Zone: 111111111111111
Zone2Color : Color of 2nd (Middle)Center Zone: 22222---------------22222
Zone3Color : Color of 3rd (Outer) Zone: 3333-------------------------33333
MedianColor : Color of Median Volume Histogram bar (set it the same as the Zone2Color if you don't want it)
HistoWidth : User specified histogram bar width, 0 = thinnest, 6 thickest
HistoStyle : User specified bar style, 1: solid, 2: dashed, 3: dotted, etc., max value: 5
DeltaPrice : Histogram bar resolution in (e.g., 0.05 means plot a histogram bar every 5 cents of price)
HistoBars : number of bars (time axis) used to plot volume histogram
SinDistVol : true = use a sin distribution for volume in a bar; false = use a uniform distribution

This indicator has only been tested on TS2000i.

v1, ghkramer, 12Sep04
v1.1 ghkramer, 14Oct04
added logic to prevent divide by zero when there's no range or volume
v2.0 ghkramer, 24 Oct04 Beta Test
Converted from Probability Map plot to Trendline plotting and added Value Area Colors
v2.1 ghkramer 30Jan05, Corrected bug in sin distribution calc: chged '*' to '/' in
calculation of dp; additionally, moved calc of dp outside of loop.
v2.2 ghkramer 31Jan05, changed histogram array dimension from '1:N' to '0:N'
v2.3 ghkramer 31Jan05, Test for case where all trades are at 1 price for bar (i.e., H = L)
v2.4 ghkramer 12Feb05, Replaced PriceRows input variable with dPrice; now compute NbrPriceRows
and increased Histo array size
v2.5 ghkramer 21Mar06, removed debug statements and cleaned-up code
v2.6 ghkramer 23Mar06, allowed user to fix start of histogram at NbrDaysBack

inputs: ProfileLength(51),
HistoWindowType(1), {v2.6}
NbrDaysBack(1), {v2.6}
Zone1(70), Zone2(90),
Zone1Color(Blue), Zone2Color(Red), Zone3Color(White), MedianColor(Yellow),
HistoWidth(0), {v2.5 User specified bar width}
HistoStyle(1), {v2.5 User specified bar style}
DeltaPrice(0.05), {v2.4 Replaced PriceRows input variable with DeltaPrice}
HistoBars(30), SinDistVol(true);

var: jBar(0), jCol(0), jPrice(0), jLow(0), jHigh(0), NbrPriceRows(0),
MinPrice(0), MaxPrice(0), HistoPrice(0), dPrice(0), dP2(0),
dVol(0), TotVol(0), dp(0), DisplayIntensity(0), MaxHisto(0),
vZone1(0), vZone2(0),
Prob1Upper(0), Prob2Upper(0), Prob2Lower(0), Prob1Lower(0), TailProb(0), CDF(0), CDF1(0),
Price1Upper(0), Price2Upper(0), Price2Lower(0), Price1Lower(0), MedianHisto(0),
iHistoWidth(0), iHistoStyle(0),
NotYetFound1Up(false), NotYetFound2Up(false), NotYetFound2Lo(false), NotYetFound1Lo(false),
BeginDate(0), BeginTime(0), BeginVal(0), EndDate(0), EndTime(0), EndVal(0),
jDate(0), TLRef(0), j(0), Temp(0), yPrice(0),
MaxPriceRows(1000), {v2.4 Must be = dim(Histo[]) - 1}
FirstTimeThru(true), NbrTLs(0), iTL(0),
nDaysBack(0), xProfileLength(0), {v2.6}
BarsPerSession(0), BarsToday(0), MinutesPerSession(0), MinutesToday(0); {v2.6}

array: Dates[2000](0), Times[2000](0);
array: Histo[2001](0); {Dim must be >= MaxPriceRows+1} {v2.4, increased array size}
array: iTLRef[2000](0);

if (CurrentBar = 1) then
{Constrain inputs}
if (Zone1 < 1) then
vZone1 = 1
else if (Zone1 > 99) then
vZone1 = 99
vZOne1 = Zone1;

if (Zone2 < 1) then
vZone1 = 1
else if (Zone2 > 99) then
vZone2 = 99
vZOne2 = Zone2;

if (vZone1 > vZone2) then
Temp = vZone1;
vZone1 = vZone2;
vZone2 = Temp;

iHistoWidth = HistoWidth;
if (HistoWidth < 0) then
iHistoWidth = 0
else if (HistoWidth > 6) then
iHistoWidth = 6;

iHistoStyle = HistoStyle;
if (HistoStyle < 1) then
iHistoStyle = 1
else if (HistoStyle > 5) then
iHistoStyle = 5;

if (HistoWindowType = 0) then {v2.6}
xProfileLength = ProfileLength;
{if (DataCompression < 2) then {TS2000i}}
if (BarType < 2) then {TS8}
MinutesPerSession = TimeToMinutes(Sess1EndTime) - TimeToMinutes(Sess1StartTime);
BarsPerSession = round(MinutesPerSession/BarInterval, 0);
xProfileLength = BarsPerSession*nDaysBack;

if (NbrDaysBack < 1) then
nDaysBack = 1
else if (NbrDaysBack > 5) then
nDaysBack = 5
nDaysBack = NbrDaysBack;

{calc histogram probability levels for Value areas:
Zone1: Prob1Upper and Prob1Lower
Zone2: Prob2Upper and Prob2Lower }
TailProb = (100-vZone1)/200;
Prob1Upper = 1 - TailProb; {TailProb;}
Prob1Lower = TailProb; {1 - TailProb;}
TailProb = (100-vZone2)/200;
Prob2Upper = 1 - TailProb; {TailProb;}
Prob2Lower = TailProb; {1 - TailProb;}

{==========Main: Compute Histogram and plot=========}
if (HistoBars > 0) then
{--------Calculate Histogram parameters---------}
if (CurrentBar >= xProfileLength) then
{if (DataCompression < 2) then} {TS2000i}
if (BarType < 2) then {TS8}
if (HistoWindowType = 1) then {histogram from 1st bar NbrDaysBack through current bar}
MinutesToday = TimeToMinutes(Time) - TimeToMinutes(Sess1StartTime);
BarsToDay = round(MinutesToday/BarInterval, 0);
xProfileLength = BarsToDay + BarsPerSession*nDaysBack;

{Find Price limits}
MinPrice = Lowest(L, xProfileLength);
MaxPrice = Highest(H, xProfileLength);
if (DeltaPrice <= 0) then {v2.4 Change}
NbrPriceRows = 100;
dPrice = (MaxPrice - MinPrice)/NbrPriceRows;
else {user specified DeltaPrice}
NbrPriceRows = floor((MaxPrice - MinPrice)/DeltaPrice) + 1;
if (NbrPriceRows < 1) then {s/b >= 1, but test anyway to prevent divide by 0}
NbrPriceRows = 1;
if (NbrPriceRows <= MaxPriceRows) then
dPrice = DeltaPrice
else {constrain NbrPriceRows to array limits}
NbrPriceRows = MaxPriceRows;
dPrice = (MaxPrice - MinPrice)/NbrPriceRows;
dP2 = dPrice/2;

{-------Initialize Histogram Cells--------}
for jPrice = 0 to NbrPriceRows
Histo[jPrice] = 0;
{dPrice must be > 0, otherwise exit without Plotting v1.1 fix}
if (dPrice > 0) then
{-------Compute Histogram---------}
TotVol = 0;
for jBar = 0 to (xProfileLength-1)
jLow = floor((L[jBar] - MinPrice)/dPrice); {31Jan05, removed +1 , v2.2 fix}
jHigh = floor((H[jBar] - MinPrice)/dPrice); {31Jan05, removed +1 , v2.2 fix}
if ((jHigh - jLow) > 0) then {31Jan05, case where all trades at 1 price, v2.3}
if (SinDistVol) then {use Sin on a pedestal distributed volume}
dp = 180/(jHigh - jLow); {30Jan05,chged * to /, moved out of loop, v2.1}
for jPrice = jLow to jHigh
{scale by area of sin pedestal = 1/2.785}
dVol = 0.35991*V[jBar]*(sine((jPrice-jLow)*dp) + 0.25);
TotVol = TotVol + dVol;
Histo[jPrice] = Histo[jPrice] + dVol;
else {use Uniformly distributed volume}
dVol = V[jBar]/(jHigh - jLow); {31Jan05, removed +1 , v2.2 fix}
for jPrice = jLow to jHigh
Histo[jPrice] = Histo[jPrice] + dVol;
TotVol = TotVol + dVol;
else {jHigh = jLow for this bar, no need to distribute}
Histo[jLow] = Histo[jLow] + V[jBar];
end; {for jBar}

{==========Plot Histogram================}

{Volume must be > 0, otherwise, exit without plotting v1.1 fix}
if (TotVol > 0) then
{--------Normalize Histogram---------}
MaxHisto = -100000;
for jPrice = 0 to NbrPriceRows
Histo[jPrice] = Histo[jPrice]/TotVol;
if (Histo[jPrice] > MaxHisto) then
MaxHisto = Histo[jPrice];

{---------Plot Profile using trendlines v2.0 fix-----------}
if LastBarOnChart then
{Find price levels that correspond to Value Area percentages}
CDF = 0; CDF1 = 0;
HistoPrice = MinPrice;
NotYetFound1Up = true;
NotYetFound2Up = true;
NotYetFound2Lo = true;
NotYetFound1Lo = true;
for jPrice = 0 to NbrPriceRows {fix v2.2}
CDF = CDF + Histo[jPrice];
if ((CDF >= Prob1Lower) and NotYetFound1Lo) then
Price1Lower = HistoPrice;
NotYetFound1Lo = false;
if ((CDF >= Prob2Lower) and NotYetFound2Lo) then
Price2Lower = HistoPrice;
NotYetFound2Lo = false;
if ((CDF >= Prob2Upper) and NotYetFound2Up) then
Price2Upper = HistoPrice;
NotYetFound2Up = false;
if ((CDF >= Prob1Upper) and NotYetFound1Up) then
Price1Upper = HistoPrice;
NotYetFound1Up = false;
if ((CDF >= 0.5) and (CDF1 < 0.5)) then
MedianHisto = HistoPrice;
HistoPrice = HistoPrice + dPrice;

{---------Scale Histogram-----------}
for jPrice = 0 to NbrPriceRows
Histo[jPrice] = round(HistoBars*Histo[jPrice]/MaxHisto, 0);

{set Date/Times}
BeginDate = Date[HistoBars];
BeginTime = Time[HistoBars];
for j = 0 to NbrPriceRows {fix v2.2}
Dates[j] = Date[HistoBars - Histo[j]];
Times[j] = Time[HistoBars - Histo[j]];

{Delete prior set of TLs}
if ((FirstTimeThru = false) and (NbrTLs > 0)) then
for iTL = 1 to NbrTLs

{--------Plot Market Profile-----------}
for j = 0 to NbrPriceRows {fix v2.2}
yPrice = MinPrice + j*dPrice;
BeginVal = yPrice;
EndDate = Dates[j];
EndTime = Times[j];
EndVal = yPrice;

if ((BeginDate <> EndDate) or (BeginTime <> EndTime)) then
{plot histogram as trendline}
TLRef = TL_New(BeginDate, BeginTime, yPrice, EndDate, EndTime, yPrice) ;

{Save TLRef}
NbrTLs = NbrTLs + 1;
iTLRef[NbrTLs] = TLRef;

TL_SetSize(TLRef, iHistoWidth) ;
TL_SetStyle(TLRef, iHistoStyle) ;

{set zone colors}
if (yPrice < Price2Lower) then
TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone3Color)
else if (yPrice < Price1Lower) then
TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone1Color)
else if (yPrice < Price1Upper) then
TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone2Color)
else if (yPrice < Price2Upper) then
TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone1Color)
TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone3Color);

{plot median volume}
if ((yPrice > (MedianHisto-dP2)) and (yPrice < (MedianHisto+dP2))) then
TL_SetColor(TLRef, MedianColor);
end; {if BeginDate...}
end; {for j}
FirstTimeThru = false;
end; {LastBarOnChart}
end; {TotVol > 0}
end; {dPrive > 0}
end; {CurrentBar >= xProfileLength}
end; {(HistoBars > 0) v1.1 fix}

code ends here
Thanks in advance!

Posted: Oct 31 2006
by Alex Kramer
I compiled this code and applied it to a chart, the indicator shows up something like volume histograms, looks really nice (see screenshot).
Maybe you were just not applying it to suitable data?

Posted: Oct 31 2006
by SP

You have to asure that the underlying/symbol has a "Session End" mark at Quote Manager --> Sessions.

Otherwise you have to adjust the lines

MinutesPerSession = TimeToMinutes(Sess1EndTime) - TimeToMinutes(Sess1StartTime);

MinutesToday = TimeToMinutes(Time) - TimeToMinutes(Sess1StartTime);

with the correct underlying time settings.

Also it could be useful to change the input Deltaprice(0.05) to DeltaPrice(MinMove / PriceScale ).

Posted: Nov 03 2006
by SP

Posted: Nov 04 2006
by server
Got it. Changing the symbol time zone from "local" to "exchange" did the trick.
Thanks again, guys!

Posted: Nov 04 2006
by server
SP, thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it.

Posted: Nov 04 2006
by server
SP, thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it.

Re: Market Profile study

Posted: Sep 22 2020
by biffhero

Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread, but I saw this and thought it looked like an interesting way to try to get my head wrapped around this programming language and see what is what.

Here is how far I got.

Code: Select all

{Indicator: gkMktProfileTL # Also, I renamed this from gkMtkProfileTL to gkMktProfileTL. The title of the thread had # "Market Profile" in it and I think it was a mistake to abbreviate "Market" as "mtk", # so I changed the abbreviation to "mkt" gkMtkProfileTL Histogram Plot Poor Man's Market Profile and Value Area Indicator This indicator plots a rough estimate of a volume histogram for a user specified number of bars using Trendlines. The indicator approximates the volume distribution within a bar by use of a sin or uniform distribution. This approximated distribution is then accumulated over the user specified number of bars to form the histogram. For intraday charts the user may specify a fixed length moving window for the histogram (e.g., the last hour's number of bars) or one that starts a 1 to 5 days prior and includes all the data up through the current bar. A feature not yet implemented is same as the latter except that today's data is not used. The histogram uses color to identify two Value Zones based upon user specified area percentages (e.g., 70% (Zone1) and 90% (Zone2)). Inputs: ProfileLength : number of bars to use for the profile (<= 2000) HistoWindowType : 0: use a fixed length (ProfileLength) window that moves with each new bar, otherwise (v2.6) 1: histogram from 1st bar NbrDaysBack through current bar (uses todays data) 2: histogram from 1st bar NbrDaysBack through close of prior day (doesn't use todays data) ***NOT YET IMPLEMENTED*** NbrDaysBack : Number of days back to start the histogram (range: 1 to 5 days) (v2.6) Zone1 and Zone2 : Value zone areas in percent (Must be between 0 and 100); Zone1 Prob < Zone2 Prob Zone1Color : Color of 1st (Inter) Zone: 111111111111111 Zone2Color : Color of 2nd (Middle)Center Zone: 22222---------------22222 Zone3Color : Color of 3rd (Outer) Zone: 3333-------------------------33333 MedianColor : Color of Median Volume Histogram bar (set it the same as the Zone2Color if you don't want it) HistoWidth : User specified histogram bar width, 0 = thinnest, 6 thickest HistoStyle : User specified bar style, 1: solid, 2: dashed, 3: dotted, etc., max value: 5 DeltaPrice : Histogram bar resolution in (e.g., 0.05 means plot a histogram bar every 5 cents of price) HistoBars : number of bars (time axis) used to plot volume histogram SinDistVol : true = use a sin distribution for volume in a bar; false = use a uniform distribution This indicator has only been tested on TS2000i. v1, ghkramer, 12Sep04 v1.1 ghkramer, 14Oct04 added logic to prevent divide by zero when there's no range or volume v2.0 ghkramer, 24 Oct04 Beta Test Converted from Probability Map plot to Trendline plotting and added Value Area Colors v2.1 ghkramer 30Jan05, Corrected bug in sin distribution calc: chged '*' to '/' in calculation of dp; additionally, moved calc of dp outside of loop. v2.2 ghkramer 31Jan05, changed histogram array dimension from '1:N' to '0:N' v2.3 ghkramer 31Jan05, Test for case where all trades are at 1 price for bar (i.e., H = L) v2.4 ghkramer 12Feb05, Replaced PriceRows input variable with dPrice; now compute NbrPriceRows and increased Histo array size v2.5 ghkramer 21Mar06, removed debug statements and cleaned-up code v2.6 ghkramer 23Mar06, allowed user to fix start of histogram at NbrDaysBack v2.7 biffhero 22Sep20, If DeltaPrice set to 0, autoscale } Inputs: ProfileLength(51), HistoWindowType(1), {v2.6} NbrDaysBack(1), {v2.6} Zone1(70), Zone2(90), Zone1Color(Blue), Zone2Color(Red), Zone3Color(White), MedianColor(Yellow), HistoWidth(0), {v2.5 User specified bar width} HistoStyle(1), {v2.5 User specified bar style} DeltaPrice(0), {v2.4 Replaced PriceRows input variable with DeltaPrice} { v2.7 allow autoscale } HistoBars(30), SinDistVol(true); Variables: jBar(0), jCol(0), jPrice(0), jLow(0), jHigh(0), NbrPriceRows(0), MinPrice(0), MaxPrice(0), HistoPrice(0), dPrice(0), dP2(0), dVol(0), TotVol(0), dp(0), DisplayIntensity(0), MaxHisto(0), vZone1(0), vZone2(0), Prob1Upper(0), Prob2Upper(0), Prob2Lower(0), Prob1Lower(0), TailProb(0), CDF(0), CDF1(0), Price1Upper(0), Price2Upper(0), Price2Lower(0), Price1Lower(0), MedianHisto(0), iHistoWidth(0), iHistoStyle(0), NotYetFound1Up(false), NotYetFound2Up(false), NotYetFound2Lo(false), NotYetFound1Lo(false), BeginDate(0), BeginTime(0), BeginVal(0), EndDate(0), EndTime(0), EndVal(0), jDate(0), TLRef(0), j(0), Temp(0), yPrice(0), MaxPriceRows(1000), {v2.4 Must be = dim(Histo[]) - 1} FirstTimeThru(true), NbrTLs(0), iTL(0), nDaysBack(0), xProfileLength(0), {v2.6} BarsPerSession(0), BarsToday(0), MinutesPerSession(0), MinutesToday(0); {v2.6} Arrays: Dates[2000](0), Times[2000](0), Histo[2001](0), {Dim must be >= MaxPriceRows+1} {v2.4, increased array size} iTLRef[2000](0); {========Initialization=========} if (CurrentBar = 1) then begin {Constrain inputs} if (Zone1 < 1) then vZone1 = 1 else if (Zone1 > 99) then vZone1 = 99 else vZOne1 = Zone1; if (Zone2 < 1) then vZone1 = 1 else if (Zone2 > 99) then vZone2 = 99 else vZOne2 = Zone2; if (vZone1 > vZone2) then begin Temp = vZone1; vZone1 = vZone2; vZone2 = Temp; end; iHistoWidth = HistoWidth; if (HistoWidth < 0) then iHistoWidth = 0 else if (HistoWidth > 6) then iHistoWidth = 6; iHistoStyle = HistoStyle; if (HistoStyle < 1) then iHistoStyle = 1 else if (HistoStyle > 5) then iHistoStyle = 5; if (HistoWindowType = 0) then {v2.6} begin xProfileLength = ProfileLength; end else begin {if (DataCompression < 2) then {TS2000i}} if (BarType < 2) then {TS8} begin MinutesPerSession = TimeToMinutes(Sess1EndTime) - TimeToMinutes(Sess1StartTime); BarsPerSession = round(MinutesPerSession / BarInterval, 0); xProfileLength = BarsPerSession * nDaysBack; end; if (NbrDaysBack < 1) then nDaysBack = 1 else if (NbrDaysBack > 5) then nDaysBack = 5 else nDaysBack = NbrDaysBack; end; { HistoWindowType = 0 } {calc histogram probability levels for Value areas: Zone1: Prob1Upper and Prob1Lower Zone2: Prob2Upper and Prob2Lower } TailProb = (100-vZone1)/200; Prob1Upper = 1 - TailProb; {TailProb;} Prob1Lower = TailProb; {1 - TailProb;} TailProb = (100-vZone2)/200; Prob2Upper = 1 - TailProb; {TailProb;} Prob2Lower = TailProb; {1 - TailProb;} end; { CurrentBar = 1 } {==========Main: Compute Histogram and plot=========} if (HistoBars > 0) then begin {--------Calculate Histogram parameters---------} if (CurrentBar >= xProfileLength) then begin {if (DataCompression < 2) then} {TS2000i} if (BarType < 2) then {TS8} begin if (HistoWindowType = 1) then {histogram from 1st bar NbrDaysBack through current bar} begin MinutesToday = TimeToMinutes(Time) - TimeToMinutes(Sess1StartTime); BarsToDay = round(MinutesToday/BarInterval, 0); xProfileLength = BarsToDay + BarsPerSession * nDaysBack; end; { HistoWindowType } end; { BarType < 2 } {Find Price limits} MinPrice = Lowest(L, xProfileLength); MaxPrice = Highest(H, xProfileLength); if (DeltaPrice <= 0) then {v2.4 Change} begin NbrPriceRows = 100; dPrice = (MaxPrice - MinPrice)/NbrPriceRows; end { DeltaPrice <= 0 } else {user specified DeltaPrice} begin NbrPriceRows = floor((MaxPrice - MinPrice)/DeltaPrice) + 1; if (NbrPriceRows < 1) then {s/b >= 1, but test anyway to prevent divide by 0} NbrPriceRows = 1; if (NbrPriceRows <= MaxPriceRows) then dPrice = DeltaPrice else {constrain NbrPriceRows to array limits} begin NbrPriceRows = MaxPriceRows; dPrice = (MaxPrice - MinPrice)/NbrPriceRows; end; { NbrPriceRows <= MaxPriceRows } end; { DeltaPrice <= 0 } dP2 = dPrice/2; {-------Initialize Histogram Cells--------} for jPrice = 0 to NbrPriceRows begin Histo[jPrice] = 0; end; {dPrice must be > 0, otherwise exit without Plotting v1.1 fix} if (dPrice > 0) then begin {-------Compute Histogram---------} TotVol = 0; for jBar = 0 to (xProfileLength-1) begin jLow = floor((L[jBar] - MinPrice)/dPrice); {31Jan05, removed +1 , v2.2 fix} jHigh = floor((H[jBar] - MinPrice)/dPrice); {31Jan05, removed +1 , v2.2 fix} if ((jHigh - jLow) > 0) then {31Jan05, case where all trades at 1 price, v2.3} begin if (SinDistVol) then {use Sin on a pedestal distributed volume} begin dp = 180/(jHigh - jLow); {30Jan05,chged * to /, moved out of loop, v2.1} for jPrice = jLow to jHigh begin {scale by area of sin pedestal = 1/2.785} dVol = 0.35991*V[jBar]*(sine((jPrice-jLow)*dp) + 0.25); TotVol = TotVol + dVol; Histo[jPrice] = Histo[jPrice] + dVol; end; end else {use Uniformly distributed volume} begin dVol = V[jBar]/(jHigh - jLow); {31Jan05, removed +1 , v2.2 fix} for jPrice = jLow to jHigh begin Histo[jPrice] = Histo[jPrice] + dVol; TotVol = TotVol + dVol; end; end; end else {jHigh = jLow for this bar, no need to distribute} Histo[jLow] = Histo[jLow] + V[jBar]; end; {for jBar} {==========Plot Histogram================} {Volume must be > 0, otherwise, exit without plotting v1.1 fix} if (TotVol > 0) then begin {--------Normalize Histogram---------} MaxHisto = -100000; for jPrice = 0 to NbrPriceRows begin Histo[jPrice] = Histo[jPrice]/TotVol; if (Histo[jPrice] > MaxHisto) then MaxHisto = Histo[jPrice]; end; {---------Plot Profile using trendlines v2.0 fix-----------} if LastBarOnChart then begin {Find price levels that correspond to Value Area percentages} CDF = 0; CDF1 = 0; HistoPrice = MinPrice; NotYetFound1Up = true; NotYetFound2Up = true; NotYetFound2Lo = true; NotYetFound1Lo = true; for jPrice = 0 to NbrPriceRows {fix v2.2} begin CDF = CDF + Histo[jPrice]; if ((CDF >= Prob1Lower) and NotYetFound1Lo) then begin Price1Lower = HistoPrice; NotYetFound1Lo = false; end; if ((CDF >= Prob2Lower) and NotYetFound2Lo) then begin Price2Lower = HistoPrice; NotYetFound2Lo = false; end; if ((CDF >= Prob2Upper) and NotYetFound2Up) then begin Price2Upper = HistoPrice; NotYetFound2Up = false; end; if ((CDF >= Prob1Upper) and NotYetFound1Up) then begin Price1Upper = HistoPrice; NotYetFound1Up = false; end; if ((CDF >= 0.5) and (CDF1 < 0.5)) then MedianHisto = HistoPrice; CDF1 = CDF; HistoPrice = HistoPrice + dPrice; end; {---------Scale Histogram-----------} for jPrice = 0 to NbrPriceRows begin Histo[jPrice] = round(HistoBars*Histo[jPrice]/MaxHisto, 0); end; {set Date/Times} BeginDate = Date[HistoBars]; BeginTime = Time[HistoBars]; for j = 0 to NbrPriceRows {fix v2.2} begin Dates[j] = Date[HistoBars - Histo[j]]; Times[j] = Time[HistoBars - Histo[j]]; end; {Delete prior set of TLs} if ((FirstTimeThru = false) and (NbrTLs > 0)) then begin for iTL = 1 to NbrTLs begin TL_Delete(iTLRef[iTL]); end; end; {--------Plot Market Profile-----------} for j = 0 to NbrPriceRows {fix v2.2} begin yPrice = MinPrice + j*dPrice; BeginVal = yPrice; EndDate = Dates[j]; EndTime = Times[j]; EndVal = yPrice; if ((BeginDate <> EndDate) or (BeginTime <> EndTime)) then begin {plot histogram as trendline} TLRef = TL_New(BeginDate, BeginTime, yPrice, EndDate, EndTime, yPrice) ; {Save TLRef} NbrTLs = NbrTLs + 1; iTLRef[NbrTLs] = TLRef; TL_SetSize(TLRef, iHistoWidth); TL_SetStyle(TLRef, iHistoStyle); {set zone colors} if (yPrice < Price2Lower) then TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone3Color) else if (yPrice < Price1Lower) then TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone1Color) else if (yPrice < Price1Upper) then TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone2Color) else if (yPrice < Price2Upper) then TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone1Color) else TL_SetColor(TLRef, Zone3Color); {plot median volume} if ((yPrice > (MedianHisto-dP2)) and (yPrice < (MedianHisto+dP2))) then TL_SetColor(TLRef, MedianColor); end; {if BeginDate...} end; {for j} FirstTimeThru = false; end; {LastBarOnChart} end; {TotVol > 0} end; {dPrice > 0} end; {CurrentBar >= xProfileLength} end; {(HistoBars > 0) v1.1 fix}
There is some sort of error in here that causes an error after 20 bars of playback. I don't know if it is due to my change to DeltaPrice or not. I doubt it. Also, I think that this should automatically pick how many bars to display based on how tall your chart area is.

Have fun,