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Open Bug report MC-2620

Chart Trader Strategy Parameters Stop Loss Offset Percentage bug (very easy fix)

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Hi, I would classify this as a bug and probably an extremely easy to fix bug.

I find entering adjustments into the "Chart Trader Strategy Parameters Stop Loss Offset" difficult when it is set to %. For example, I will clear the box and start typing in something new such as 1.45 it tries to anticipate as soon as I put the 1 in by inserting two zeros. So when I type the .45 it ends up giving me this "1.45.00" or something else very strange such as 51.40.

I have actually auto programmed the filling in of this box from MS-Access (see below) and thought I had it down pat. However it messed up and I am trying to figure out how to program it to work and it keeps throwing me these very strange curves. So much so I am having trouble doing it manually. Any fix A.S.A.P. would be much appreciated. I think a simple clear the box upon entry and let us type whatever we want would do the trick.


Call AppActivate("MyMarketWaves", False) 'Activate my MS-Access program that I use as a market assist program
Call funcSetInitialStop("Y") 'This gets the ATR value used below. It uses global variables to pick up the highest ATR value from multicharts
sngMyRound = Me.fldADT_SLE_StoppedOutPerc * 100 'This moves the decimal over
sngMyRound = Round(sngMyRound, 2) 'This rounds the above adjustment to two decimals.
If funcJWYNSmallTalk("Have you opened the initial stop dialog box to have the initial stop percent of " & sngMyRound & " inserted into the chart trader? If you have enter yes.") Then
    Call AppActivate("Strategy", False) 'Activate the initial stop stretegy dialog box of multicharts
    Call funcJWPause(0.3)
    SendKeys "{TAB 5}", False 'tab over 5 times to get to the offset which is set to % rather than ticks
    Call funcJWPause(0.1)
    SendKeys "{DELETE}", False 'clear the text box.
    Call funcJWPause(0.1)
    SendKeys sngMyRound, False 'Insert the value you selected from the highest ATR (average true range) for the chart you selected.
    Call funcJWPause(0.1)
    SendKeys "{DELETE}", False 'Delete everything after the amount you submitted.
    Call funcJWPause(0.1)
    SendKeys "{TAB}", False 'tab to move to the save key.
    Call funcJWPause(3)  'This long pause lets me see if it actually worked since I have had problems with it.
    SendKeys "~", False  'press enter.
    Exit Sub
End If
Steps to reproduce this issue
Nothing entered.
Comments (1)
user-offline.png  bowlesj3
Dec 09, 2019 - 14:00

I figured out a way around the bug. I just use MS-access to put any of the values shown below (or similar values) into the clipboard and use the ctrl+v paste command to put the value in then tab to the save button.


Issue basics
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
  • Category
    Not determined
  • Targeted for
    MultiCharts Future Releases
  • Status
  • Priority
    Not determined
User pain
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
People involved
  • Posted by
    user-offline.png  bowlesj3
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
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    Not assigned to anyone
  • Subscribers
    2 subscriber(s)
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Issue details
  • Reproducability
    Not determined
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