The 1st 2 chapters are somewhat of ramble where the author describes the "metaphysics" of trading. Still some good ideas are offered. The book references chaos theory, and leaves it up to the reader to believe whether "supercomputers" were used in formulating the various trading methods (the author wants to come across as an applied mathemetician, but he sure looks like a stock trader).
There's better written & more informative books out there for less money, but this author does have the "Holy Grail" of stock trading. A set of filters, axioms, and methods which are the "missing link" for any trading system which is based upon conventional indicators.
According to Bill Willams one should enter the market after a new price top (for long positions) or bottom (for short positions) has been penetrated. The identification of such a condition is based on determinig the validity of a fractal formation, where an upward fractal is identified when at least three consequent values are tops and after the local top at least two bars show a descent. So the model needs at least 5 bars of which the middle is the local top (upward fractal) or bottom (downward fractal).
This indicato highlights the periods suited for buying according to the fractal theory in Light Grey, and the periods suited for selling in Dark Grey.