CQG Broker Plug-in
General Information
Please make sure that your PC meets CQG requirements and technical specifications: http://www.cqg.com/Docs/CQGTraderSystemSpecs.pdf
If you need data from CQG data source, make sure you have CQG data feed set up.
It is possible to use different accounts for getting data and trading.
Indexes are supported only with Live CQG/AMP accounts.
Open position Profit/Loss is provided through CQG API. Unrealized Profit/Loss for the account is provided through CQG API.
If MultiCharts sends a stop order with the price equal to current market price or better (guaranteed to be executed) it will be rejected by the broker. Therefore, MultiCharts converts such stop orders into market orders.
Stop-Limit orders: if at the moment an order is sent its stop level is met, then it will be converted into market order.
Stop-Limit orders with stop and limit levels not overlapping each other are rejected by the broker.
When an order is sent from MultiCharts to CQG broker to be executed on an expired contract, the broker will automatically redirect the order to the same symbol, but currently active contract.
CQG does not support Native One-Cancels-Others group. In this case MultiCharts emulates OCO group on its end. Simulated OCO-group means that all OCO orders are sent to the broker, price is monitored by MultiCharts and once one of the orders is filled, other orders from this OCO group are cancelled by MultiCharts. When one of the OCO orders is filled, MultiCharts sends a command to cancel the second OCO order to broker. Note that the second order may also be filled if price reaches its level before the cancellation is processed by the broker (see OCO-Orders Risk).
Setting up CQG Broker Plug-in
In MultiCharts Main Menu go to Format and select Strategy Properties. Click Auto Trading tab and select CQG (see Auto trading settings) then click Settings tab.
In the Properties CQG window enter the information provided by CQG:
- Authorization section.
Enter Login and Password. - Connectivity section.
Make sure that the Server Name is correct.
From the drop-down list select Sim for a Demo account, Live for a Real account.
Custom should be selected only if you received specific settings and instructions from your broker. - Default Order Settings section.
It is obligatory to specify an account in Account field to send orders to. Click Lookup button to get list of available accounts and select one of them.
- Authorization section.
Select one of the available Time In Force order parameters.
Order is canceled if it does not execute by the close of the trading day. Unless otherwise specified, every order is a Day order. - GTC (Good-Til-Cancelled)
Order will continue to work within the system and in the marketplace until it executes or is canceled. - FOK (Fill or Kill Orders)
Specifying that the order must execute immediately and in its entirety, or be canceled.
Enable Convert stop orders guaranteed to be executed to market orders checkbox if you want Stop orders to be converted into market when they are guaranteed to be executed.
Enable Convert stop limit orders into limit orders if stop price is hit upon order placement checkbox if you want Stop-Limit orders to be converted into Limit when the stop price is reached when the order is placed.