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Chart Window Settings

From MultiCharts

The appearance of the Chart Window elements can be customized from the Format Window.

To open the Format Window window, click the Format Window icon on the Chart Analysis toolbar.

The Format Window window can also be opened by one of the following methods:
  - Double-click on an empty area of the chart, or on the chart's Status Line.
  - Right-click on an empty area of the chart and then click Format Window.
  - Select Format in the main menu and click Window.

Then you can set up the following elements:

Changes to chart appearance settings will be applied to the chart window in real time.

The settings of the chart can be configured in the Format Instrument window.

To open the Format Instruments window, click the Format Instruments icon on the main toolbar;
if the Format Objects window appears, select the symbol and click the Format button.

The Format Instruments window can also be opened by one of the following methods:
  - Position the mouse pointer over the symbol's data series; double-click once the Pointer changes into a Hand ;
  - Position the mouse pointer over the symbol's data series; once the Pointer changes into a Hand right-click and then click Format Symbol Name;
  - Right-click on an empty area of the chart and then click Format Instruments; if the Format Objects window appears, select the symbol and click the Format button;
  - Select Format in the main menu and click Instrument; if the Format Objects window appears, select the symbol and click the Format button.

Then you can set up these settings: