Importing and Exporting Studies
In addition to supporting PowerLanguage studies, MultiCharts platform supports most of the EasyLanguage® studies (that do not utilize Object Oriented EL programming).
MultiCharts supports Password-protected as well as Source-compiled (SEF) Study Protection.
Studies are imported and exported using the PowerLanguage Editor.
Importing Studies
In addition to MultiCharts native PLA (PowerLanguage Archive) format, studies in ELA, ELS, ELD (non protected), XML, and SEF formats can be imported. Multiple studies can be imported simultaneously.
Importing Studies in PLA, ELA, ELS, ELD (Non-Protected), and XML Formats
To import studies into PowerLanguage Editor:
- Open the PowerLanguage Editor window:
In MultiCharts main menu select File, then point to New and click PowerLanguage Editor Window. - Click the Import icon on the toolbar.
Importing study window can also be opened by selecting File in the main menu and clicking Import, or by using the Ctrl+I keyboard shortcut. - In the Select Files window select one or more studies files; several files can be selected at once by holding down Ctrl or/and Shift keys while making the selection, and all files can be selected by using the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut.
- Click Open or double-click the selected file.
- In the Import Studies window that appears, in the Study Type section, select or clear Indicator, Signal, and/or Function checkboxes to specify the types of studies to be displayed in the list.
- Select the studies to be imported by using the checkbox to the left of the study's name, or by double-clicking the study's name; click Select All to select all studies, and Clear All to clear all selections.
- At the bottom left of the Import Studies window, select the Compile on import checkbox to compile studies on import; to learn more, see Compiling Studies.
- Select the Compare source code option if you are importing a file with an already existing in the PowerLanguage Editor name, but with differences in the code. In this case a window with both codes will appear after the Import and you will be able to compare them.
- Click OK to import the selected studies.
Importing Studies in SEF (Read-Only) Format
64 bit .SEF files are compatible with 64-bit MultiCharts only.
To import a read-only study into PowerLanguage Editor:
- Open the PowerLanguage Editor window:
In MultiCharts main menu select File, then point to New and click PowerLanguage Editor Window. - Open the Select Files window by selecting File in the main menu and clicking Import Read-Only, or by using the Ctrl+M keyboard shortcut.
- Select a study file.
- Click Open or double-click the selected file.
- In the Import Studies window that appears, in the Study Type section, select or clear Indicator, Signal, and/or Function checkboxes to specify the types of studies to be displayed in the list.
- Select the studies to be imported by using the checkbox to the left of the study's name, or by double-clicking the study's name; click Select All to select all studies, and Clear All to clear all selections.
- Click OK to import the selected studies.
Exporting Studies
Studies can be exported in PLA, XML and SEF (Read-only) formats.
Exporting Studies in PLA Format
To export a study in PLA format:
- Open the PowerLanguage Editor window:
In MultiCharts main menu select File, then point to New and click PowerLanguage Editor Window. - Click the Export icon on the toolbar.
The Export Studies window can also be opened by selecting File in the main menu and clicking Export, or by using the Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut. - In the Study Type section, select or clear Indicator, Signal, and/or Function checkboxes to specify the types of studies to be displayed in the list.
- Select the studies to be exported by using the checkbox to the left of the study’s name, or by double-clicking the study’s name; click Select All to select all studies, and Clear All to clear all selections.
- At the bottom left of the Export Studies window, select the Select dependent function(s) checkbox to automatically select the relevant functions.
- Click OK to open the Export window.
- Select a path and choose the filename and type for the file to export the study or studies to, and click Save.
Exporting Studies in SEF (Read-Only) Format
To export a study in SEF (Read-only) format:
- Open the PowerLanguage Editor window:
In MultiCharts main menu select File, then point to New and click PowerLanguage Editor Window. - Open the Export Studies window by selecting File in the main menu and clicking Export Read-Only, or by using the Ctrl+R keyboard shortcut.
- In the Study Type section, select or clear Indicator, Signal, and/or Function checkboxes to specify the types of studies to be displayed in the list.
- Select the studies to be exported by using the checkbox to the left of the study’s name, or by double-clicking the study’s name; click Select All to select all studies, and Clear All to clear all selections.
- Click OK to open the Export window.
- Select a path and choose the name for the file to export the study or studies to, and click Save.
Importing and Exporting Studies in MultiCharts .NET
To import studies into PowerLanguage .NET Editor:
- Open the PowerLanguage .NET Editor window:
In MultiCharts main menu select File, then point to New and click PowerLanguage .NET Editor Window. - Select File in the PowerLanguage .NET Editor main menu and click Import….
Importing study window can also be opened by using the Ctrl+I keyboard shortcut. - Select one or more studies files; several files can be selected at once by holding down Ctrl or/and Shift keys while making the selection, and all files can be selected by using the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut.
- Click Open or double-click the selected file.
- In the Import Studies window that appears, in the Study Type section, select or clear Indicator, Signal, and/or Function checkboxes to specify the types of studies to be displayed in the list.
- Select the studies to be imported by using the checkbox to the left of the study's name, or by double-clicking the study's name; click Select All to select all studies, and Clear All to clear all selections.
- At the bottom left of the Import Studies window, select the Compare source code option if you are importing a file with an already existing in the PowerLanguage .NET Editor name, but with differences in the code. In this case a window with both codes will appear after the Import and you will be able to compare them.
- Click OK to import the selected studies.
To export a study in into PowerLanguage .NET Editor:
- Open the PowerLanguage .NET Editor window:
In MultiCharts main menu select File, then point to New and click PowerLanguage .NET Editor Window. - Select File in the PowerLanguage .NET Editor main menu and click Export….
Importing study window can also be opened by using the Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut. - In the Study Type section, select or clear Indicator, Signal, and/or Function checkboxes to specify the types of studies to be displayed in the list.
- Select the studies to be exported by using the checkbox to the left of the study’s name, or by double-clicking the study’s name; click Select All to select all studies, and Clear All to clear all selections.
- At the bottom left of the Export Studies window, select the Protect checkbox to export studies in a read-only PLN file.
- Click OK to open the Export window.
- Select a path and choose the filename and type for the file to export the study or studies to, and click Save.