From MultiCharts
Not is used in True/False statements, and makes an expression opposite to another expression. For example, if condition A equals True, then Not A would equal False. If condition B is False, then Not B would be True.
Condition1 = True;
Condition2 = Not Condition1;
Assigns to Condition2 value opposite to Condition1.
Another example would be:
condition1 = 10 > 1;
condition2 = not condition1;
Print("10 > 1 is ",condition1, spaces(5), "Not 10 > 1 is ", condition2);
Which gives the following output in the PowerLanguage Editor log:
10 > 1 is TRUE Not 10 > 1 is FALSE
Not can also be used to revert a False condition, as is done in the example below:
condition1 = 10 > 100;
condition2 = not condition1;
Print("10 > 100 is ",condition1, spaces(5), "Not 10 > 100 is ", condition2);
Which gives the following:
10 > 100 is FALSE Not 10 > 100 is TRUE