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Reloading Charts

From MultiCharts

Occasionally a bad tick, an error, or a gap in the price data causes a chart to plot improperly.

Reloading will redraw the chart based on a fresh set of data from the data source. In the process of reloading, a new set of data is downloaded from the data feed.

It is possible to reload the entire length of the data series or to reload only a certain number of days back. Any existing data, for which no replacement data is available from the data source, is retained.

Reloading a Chart

To reload the entire data series in a chart:

  1. Put the cursor on the desired chart and click it to select.
  2. Go to View in the main menu, select Reload and select Chart, then click Reload All Data; or press Ctrl + R using the keyboard.
A chart can also be reloaded by typing .rld into the Command Line toolbar.

To reload only a number of days back in a chart:

  1. Go to View in the main menu, select Reload and select Chart.
  2. Select the number of days back.

Reloading a Workspace

It is possible to reload the data across all charts in a specific workspace.
To reload the entire data series across all charts in a workspace:

  1. Open the desired workspace;
  2. Go to View in the main menu, select Reload and select Workspace, then click Reload All Data; or press Ctrl + Shift + R using the keyboard.
A workspace can also be reloaded by typing .rldw into the Command Line toolbar.

To reload only a number of days back across all charts in a workspace:

  1. Go to View in the main menu, select Reload and select Workspace;
  2. Select the number of days back.

Global Reload

In addition to reloading the data for a single chart and for all charts in a specific workspace, all of the data in all workspaces can be reloaded by entering a Global Reload command into the Command Line toolbar.

.rld glob
.rld – reload command.
glob – an optional parameter; specifies a global reload.
  • .rld will reload the chart in the active window.
  • .rldw will reload all charts in the active workspace.
  • .rld glob will reload all charts.
After reloading charts with 1-Tick resolutions, it is necessary to exit and re-start the application. Make sure to wait at least 30 seconds before restarting the application in order to make sure that all of its processes have ended. If MultiCharts application was not closed properly or the processes were ended manually by using the Task Manager, the data might be not saved in the database and lost.
In some instances it may be necessary to completely restart the computer in order to complete the process of reloading a chart with a 1-Tick resolution.