TL SetEnd Dt
From MultiCharts
Modifies the ending point location of a trendline with the specified ID number; returns a value of 0 if the ending point location was successfully modified, and a value of -2 if the specified trendline ID number is invalid. Of the two end points of a trendline, the point with the later date and time is always considered to be the ending point; if the trendline is vertical, the point with the higher price value is considered to be the ending point. Instead of separate Date and Time values, a single DateTime value is used. It allows accessing millisecond time stamps of the bar.
TL_SetEnd_Dt (TL_ID, e_DateTime, e_Price) ;
- TL_ID - a numerical expression specifying the trendline ID number
- e_DateTime - a numerical expression specifying the trendline ending point date and time; the date and time are indicated in the DateTime format.
- e_Price - a numerical expression specifying the trendline ending point price value
Example Set the ending point of Trend Line with ID = value 1 to close price of the current bar
tl_setend_dt(value1, datetime, close);