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TPO Symbol Levels Value

From MultiCharts

Returns the number of blocks for a specified price level in a TPO bar with barNum number


TPO_Symbol_Levels_Value(price, barNum)


price – the price level for which the number of blocks is to be returned

barNum – specifies the bar from where to get the target value


  • It is possible to specify a random price; if it doesn't correspond to any of the price levels of a TPO bar, then the level which is closer to this price will be taken. If the price goes beyond the bar, 0 will be returned.
  • The range of returned values is not limited by the MaxBarsBack setting. This keyword can return the value of any bar of the data series.
  • This keyword is calculated assuming that Price Increment = 1
  • The keyword is calculated as if the "Show blocks with zero trades" option is turned off.