Trading Technologies 2020 Broker Profile
TT .NET SDK API is used for connection between MultiCharts and Trading Technologies.
Trading Technologies doesn’t provide information on the list of accounts, equity and balance.
Entry Price is returned by the broker as Average Entry Price for day.
Market orders are converted into Limit ones on broker end.
Stop orders are converted into Stop-Limit ones. If at the moment an order is sent its stop level is met, then it will be rejected by the broker. All executed stop orders in the end are transformed into limit ones.
Stop-Limit orders with stop and limit levels not overlapping each other will be rejected by the broker. If at the moment an order is sent its stop level is met, then it will be rejected by the broker.
Open position Profit/Loss is calculated in MultiCharts as it is not provided by TT .NET SDK API.
Unrealized Profit/Loss for the account is calculated in MultiCharts as it is not provided by TT .NET SDK API.
There are also following broker limitations:
- There is price ceiling for stop orders. Any orders beyond this limit are rejected by broker.
- On some exchanges (for example: SGX), a stop order and stop prices of a stop-limit order cannot be modified. This may influence auto trading.
- There are exchanges, which don’t support stop orders.
Trading Technologies does not support Native One-Cancels-Others group. In this case MultiCharts emulates OCO group on its end. Simulated OCO-group means that all OCO orders are sent to the broker, price is monitored by MultiCharts and once one of the orders is filled, other orders from this OCO group are cancelled by MultiCharts. When one of the OCO orders is filled, MultiCharts sends a command to cancel the second OCO order to broker. Note that the second order may also be filled if price reaches its level before the cancellation is processed by the broker (see OCO-Orders Risk).
Setting up Trading Technologies Broker Profile
To connect MultiCharts to Trading Technologies 2020, it is necessary to receive an API Key at the Trading Technologies website.
In the Properties Trading Technologies 2020 window (see Managing Broker Profiles) enter your AppKey and its type.