From MultiCharts
Returns the volume of the current bar. For tick and volume-based charts, and time-based charts with resolutions of 24 hours or less:
- The volume traded on Up ticks will be returned if Build Volume On is set to Trade Volume,
- The number of Up ticks in the current bar will be returned if Build Volume On is set to Tick Count.
For time-based charts with resolutions of 1 day or more:
- The total volume traded will be returned if Build Volume On is set to Trade Volume,
- The total number of ticks in the current bar will be returned if Build Volume On is set to Tick Count.
Please note that most data feeds provide only a limited history of volume and tick data; storing real-time feed data will ensure the availability of historical volume and tick data.
- The range of returned values is limited by the MaxBarsBack setting.
Plot the volume of the current bar:
Plot1(Volume, "Volume");
Plot the volume of the previous bar:
Plot1(Volume Of 1 Bar Ago, "Previous bar's volume");
Plot the volume of two bars ago:
Plot1(Volume[2], "Volume 2 bars ago");