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Command Line

From MultiCharts

Understanding Command Line

The Command Line toolbar allows performing a variety of tasks quickly and efficiently by entering text commands, without relying on the graphical user interface.

Type the appropriate command in the Command Line combo box and press Enter.

By default, the Command Line toolbar is displayed docked to the bottom of the application window. If the toolbar is not displayed, it may have been hidden.

To learn how to redisplay the toolbar, see Floating or Docking Toolbars.
To learn more about toolbars, see Understanding Toolbars.

To select a previously used command, use the drop-down function.

Type in "5 minutes" to change the chart resolution to 5 minutes.
Type in "AMD" to change the symbol to AMD.

Command Line commands can be integrated into scripts to automate complex operations and streamline workflows.

To learn more about the CommandLine keyword, see CommandLine page.

The List of Supported Commands

  • .bsi
    Increases bar spacing.
  • .bsd
    Decreases bar spacing.
  • .rep
    Calls Strategy Performance Report.
  • .isy
    Inserts additional symbol into existing chart or creates a new chart. Available parameters: name, df, res, desc, from, to, bfm. “,” is the delimiter. See examples below.
  • .csy
    Changes symbol (specific data series) plotted on chart to another specific symbol (if there is no chart, this command creates an empty chart window with no data series plotted). Available parameters: dnum, name, df, res, desc, from, to, mute, bfm. “,” is the delimiter. See examples below.
  • .iind
    Inserts specific indicator to the active chart. Available parameters: name, base, bref, fmt. “,” is the delimiter. See examples below. Subchart parameter defines subchart number where the indicator will be plotted. By default, when subchart=-1 is used, a new subchart will be added at the bottom of the chart window.
  • .isig
    Inserts specific signal to the active chart. Available parameters: name1, name2. nameN (up to 99). “,” is the delimiter. See examples below.
  • .rld
    Reloads data on the active chart and on all charts with the same symbol. Available parameters: glob, ResSize ResName, int. See examples below.
  • .rldw
    Reloads data on all charts in the active workspace.
  • SymName
    Changes the symbol to a specified one on the active chart. If there is no selected symbol , the symbol that is plotted on data series 1 is changed.
  • ResSize ResName
    Changes resolution of the symbol plotted as data series 1 of the active chart to a specified one. See examples below.
  • .at_toggle
    Turns on/off auto trading on the active chart.
  • .shs
    Switches between different styles for Hint window.
  • .eds
    Shows the entire data series of the active chart window.
  • .goto
    Scrolls charts to a set point.
    Available parameters: dnum, bar, date, time.

Table of Parameters for .ISY and .CSY Commands

Description Parameter
Number of data series dnum
Symbol name name
Data provider df
Resolution of the chart res
Symbol description desc
Starting point of data interval from
Ending point of data interval to
Do not show the Format Instrument dialogue window if there is an error in the request mute
Build daily based charts (days, weeks, months, quarters, years) using minute data instead of daily data. bfm=0 - use daily data, bfm=1 - use minute data. If bfm is not used at all, daily data is used. bfm
Example 1
Enter to command line: .isy name=@ES#, df=IQFeed, res=1 min, desc=E-MINI S&P 500 MARCH 2013, from=12/31/2012, to=5/10/2013 in order to insert 1 minute graph of S&P mini 500 from IQFeed starting from 31th of December 2012 up to 10th of May 2013 as additional data series to the active chart window.
Example 2
Enter to command line: .csy dnum=1, name=@ES#, df=IQFeed, res=1 min, desc=E-MINI S&P 500 MARCH 2013, from=12/31/2012, to=5/10/2013 in order to change the data series 1 to 1 minute graph of S&P mini 500 from IQFeed starting from 31th of December 2012 up to 10th of May 2013 as additional data series to the active chart window.
If dnum parameter is not specified, the selected data series will be affected. If no particular data series is selected, the data series 1 will be affected.

Table of Parameters for .IIND and .ISIG Commands

Description Parameter
Name of an indicator name
Name of a signal nameN
Number of data series to base an indicator on base
Maximum number of bars a study will reference, or maximum bars back bref
Show Format Indicator window fmt
Example 1
Enter to command line: .iind name=MACD, base=1, bref=100 in order to apply MACD indicator to the data series 1 with MaxBarsBack parameter = 100 to the active chart window.
Example 2
Enter to command line: .isig name1=Bollinger Bands LE in order to apply Bollinger Bands LE signal to the active chart window.
If no parameters are specified, the Insert Indicator or Insert Signal window is called.

Table of Parameters for .RLD Command

Description Parameter
Reloads all charts with all data series in all workspaces glob
Reloads data series on the current chart with the specified resolution res = ResSize ResName
Reloads a specified number of days/weeks/months back int = ResSize ResName
Example 1
Enter to command line: .rld glob in order to reload all data in all charts in all open workspaces in the current instance of MultiCharts.
Example 2
Enter to command line: .rld res = 1 day in order to reload data on all daily-based subcharts of 1 day resolution and higher.
Example 3
Enter to command line: .rld int = 2 weeks in order to reload 2 weeks of data on the active chart.
If a parameter is specified incorrectly, the .rld will be used for the active chart.

Table of Resolutions for Command Line

In the command line, you can define the resolution using various methods as illustrated in the table below.

Resolution name Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4
Tick tick ticks t ts
Contract volume volumes contract contracts
Point point points pt pts
Point Original point(original) orpt orpts
Change change changes chg chgs
Second second seconds sec secs
Minute minute minutes min mins
Hour hour hours hr hrs
Day day days d ds
Week week weeks wk wks
Month month months mth mths
Quarter quarter quarters qrt qrts
Year year years yr yrs

Creating Charts Using the Command Line Toolbar

One new chart (if there are no charts in the current workspace) can be created by entering the symbol parameters into the Command Line toolbar.

If the symbol name is known, the simplest way to create a new chart is to enter the symbol name and all known symbol parameters into the command line. Any omitted symbol parameters will automatically be selected, and the symbol plotted.

Symbol parameters consist of the Symbol Name, Data Source, Category, and Exchange parameters. Depending on the data source and the symbol category, one or more parameters are required in order to precisely identify the symbol to be plotted.

Automatic Selection of Omitted Symbol Parameters

MultiCharts simplifies the process of symbol selection by automatically selecting, whenever possible, any omitted symbol parameters, by analyzing the Symbol Name.

When symbol parameters are entered into the command line the first time that MultiCharts is used, the Data Source must be specified.
Automatic selection of omitted symbol parameters is based on both the Symbol Name and on the Data Source.
Once specified a single time, the Data Source will be selected automatically if DataSource parameter is not specified.

Entering a symbol name alone is often sufficient to create a chart for a stock. For example, a plot for Google, Inc. can be created by simply typing goog into the command line toolbar; all the other parameters will be selected automatically. However, for some symbol categories and data sources, additional parameters may be required in order to precisely identify the symbol to be plotted.

If the exact symbol name is not known, but only the symbol description or the symbol root, or if plotting the symbol through the command line does not work, QuoteManager can be used to search for and identify the correct symbol.

When symbol parameters are entered into the command line the first time that that MultiCharts is used, the Data Source must be specified.

Entering Symbol Parameters Into a Command Line

Symbol parameters are entered in the following format:

DataSource: SymbolName; Exchange; Category

Data Source and Symbol Name are separated by a colon (:), while Symbol Name, Exchange Name, and Category are separated by a semicolon (;).
  • If DataSource parameter is not specified, SymbolName parameter does not have to be preceded by a colon.
  • In neither Exchange nor Category parameters are specified, SymbolName does not have to be followed by a semicolon.
  • If Category parameter is not specified, Exchange parameter does not have to be followed by a semicolon.
  • If Exchange parameter is not specified, and Category parameter immediately follows the SymbolName parameter, two semicolons must separate SymbolName and Category parameters (SymbolName; Category).

DataSource – an optional parameter; describes the data source.

This parameter is specified by the Data Source abbreviation:

Data Source Name Abbreviation
Barchart.com BC
Binance BNC
Binance.US BUS
Bitfinex BFX
Deribit DBT
Dukascopy DUK
eSignal ES
Free Quotes F
GAIN Capital GC
GlobalServer GS
Interactive Brokers IB
Kraken KRK
Market Data Sim SIM
Metastock MS
Open E Cry OEC
Poloniex PLX
Quandl QDL
Rithmic 01 RT
Saxo Group SG
TradeStation TS
Trading Technologies TT
Universal DDE DDE
DataSource parameter is not case-sensitive.

A list of available data sources and corresponding abbreviations can also be found in the Data Sources window in QuoteManager. To open the Data Sources window in QuoteManager, click the Data Sources icon, or select Tools in the main menu and click Data Sources.

  • If DataSource is not specified, the most recently used Data Source will be used.
  • If DataSource is not specified and cannot be selected automatically, a Format Instruments window will open.

SymbolName – a required parameter; specifies the symbol name.

  • SymbolName parameter is not case-sensitive.
  • The maximum symbol name length is 31 characters; longer symbol names will be truncated to 31 characters.
  • Symbol name can contain any number of spaces and characters, separated by spaces.
  • Spaces at the beginning and at the end of a symbol name are discarded.

Exchange – an optional parameter; specifies the exchange abbreviation.

  • Exchange is specified by the exchange abbreviation; the list of available exchanges and corresponding abbreviations can be found in the Exchanges & ECNs window in QuoteManager. To open the Exchanges & ECNs window in QuoteManager, click the Exchanges & ECNs icon, or select Tools in the main menu and click Exchanges & ECNs.
  • If the specified exchange abbreviation is not in the Exchanges & ECNs list, a Format Instruments window will open.
  • If Exchange parameter is not specified, a default exchange will be selected based on the data source and category (category selection takes place prior to default exchange selection).

Category – an optional parameter; describes the symbol category. It is specified by the category name abbreviation:

Category Abbreviation
Stock STK
Index IDX
Future FUT
Stock Option OPT
Forex FX
Bond B
Cash C
Spread SPD
Custom Futures CF
Cryptocurrencies CRY
Warrants WAR
Category parameter is not case-sensitive.
  • If the specified Category is not a valid category abbreviation, a Format Instruments window will open.
  • If Category is not specified, the symbol name will be analyzed in order to select the symbol category automatically.

Automatic Symbol Category Selection

Symbol category is automatically selected by evaluating the symbol name according to the following rules, in the order that they are listed; once a symbol name satisfies any one rule, a category is assigned and MultiCharts proceeds to exchange selection.

Symbol category is Futures if any of the following is true:

  • Symbol name ends with a number.
  • Symbol name ends with a #F, preceded by a space.
  • Symbol name begins with an @.
  • Symbol name begins with a c# (except TradeStation(R) symbols).

Symbol category is Index if any of the following are true:

  • Symbol name begins with a $
  • Symbol name ends with a .X

Symbol category is Forex if any of the following is true:

For Interactive Brokers data source, symbol category will be Cash.
  • Symbol name ends with a -FX
  • Symbol name contains any two different sets of the following combinations of letters:

If the Category cannot be selected automatically, Stock category will be selected; category selection takes place prior to default exchange selection.

Sample Entries and Corresponding Parameters

Command Line Entry Data Source* Symbol Exchange Category
IQ:@ES# IQFeed @ES# UNDEF Futures
TS:ESH08 TS ESH08 CME Futures
TS:@ES @ES CME Futures
The Data Source is specified in the table's Command Line entries for illustration purposes only; once specified a single time, the Data Source will be selected automatically even if DataSource parameter is not specified.