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From MultiCharts
Note: OANDA Access Token expires in 8 days. One will need to re-authorize OANDA connection to obtain a new token.
OANDA systems may be unavailable during the weekend due to maintenance on the broker end. Once the system is up one needs to re-authorize in the pop-up window in order to re-establish connection to OANDA.

To set up OANDA data feed connection:

  1. In the QuoteManager main menu select Tools and then click Data Sources. Select OANDA in the list of all supported data vendors and click the Settings button.
  2. In the opened up window select the fxTrade Practice button for demo account or fxTrade button for live account.
  3. Enable the following options if neccessary:
    • Check Show the authorization window to obtain a new token and use Day of Week and 24h Time selectors to set up the desired time for Oanda re-authorization.
    • Calculate status line values locally – this option allows populating the scanner/status line with realtime values (that are not supplied by the OANDA API) calculated by MultiCharts. Having this option enabled and using a lot of instruments simultaneously may cause issues with OANDA connection due to frequent data requests, therefore if you do not need these values or have connection issues - disable the option to maintain stable connection.
To add an instrument manually or from data source, see Adding Symbols to Symbol List.

When you connect to OANDA data feed (add symbols or plot charts) a new window will open where you should enter your OANDA Username and Password.

Here you can find OANDA Video Tutorial.

Also, make sure that you set up OANDA broker profile for trading.


After clicking “Sign In” the OANDA Network Logon window opens up again.

Make sure the correct account type is selected in the OANDA data source settings: fxTrade Practice for demo account or fxTrade for live account.