Quote Field
From MultiCharts
There are three types of quotes:
- Asks - the prices asked for by the sellers
- Bids - the prices offered by the buyers
- Trades - the prices of completed trades
Setting Quote Field
You can elect to use the data from the Trades only, from the Asks only, or from the Bids only, by setting the Quote Field.
Quote Field is set from the Format Instruments window:
- Open the Format Instruments window.To open the Format Instruments window, click the Format Instruments icon on the main toolbar;
if the Format Objects window appears, select the symbol and click the Format button.
The Format Instruments window can also be opened by one of the following methods:
- Position the mouse pointer over the symbol's data series; double-click once the Pointer changes into a Hand ;
- Position the mouse pointer over the symbol's data series; once the Pointer changes into a Hand right-click and then click Format Symbol Name;
- Right-click on an empty area of the chart and then click Format Instruments; if the Format Objects window appears, select the symbol and click the Format button;
- Select Format in the main menu and click Instrument; if the Format Objects window appears, select the symbol and click the Format button. - Select the Settings tab.
- In the Chart section, in the Quote Field drop-down list box, select Ask, Bid, or Trade, to use ask, bid, or trade data, respectively.