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No change in size, 13:07, 27 October 2023
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* {{color|blue|int[] PlaceOCOOrders(MTPA_OCOGroupType oco_type, params OrderParams[] orders);}} - submission of several orders within OCO group. This returns a list of successfully submitted order identifiers (IDs). The OCO group can be of two types:
# One Cancel Others means that the cancellation or execution of one order cancels all other orders.
# Reduce Size means that when Order#1 is filled for X contracts the amount number of the contracts of the other orders in the group is reduced by X number of contracts.
* {{color|blue|int PlaceOrder(OrderParams order);}} - submission of one order. If submission is successful the identifier (ID) of the order will be returned. Otherwise, an exception like “System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException.” will be generated.

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