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MultiCharts Work Area

365 bytes removed, 14:05, 16 September 2013
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- the list of the opened workspaces;
- position of the Main Window on the monitor screen.
Desktop settings are saved and loaded from a separate, .mcd file.
Only 1 Desktop can be opened in 1 MultiCharts instance, but you can have multiple Desktops open at the same time, each having a separate name and different settings.
It is possible to create, save, open, close, rename, and delete Desktops. Each Desktop can contain multiple Workspaces.
Only 1 Names of all open Workspaces are shown in the tabs at the bottom of application window. The tab of the currently selected (active) Workspace is highlighted. To switch to another open Workspace click the tab of the Workspace you wish to switch to.
To achieve peak performance limit the number of simultaneously open workspaces to the ones you actually need.
You can have multiple Desktops open at the same time, each having a separate name and different settings.
Desktop - состо��ние главного окна которое учитывает:
– Расположение и состоян��е(вкл/выкл) тулбаров главного окна
– Список открытых WSP
– Монитор и расположение главного окно на мониторе
В каждом инстансе МС можно открыть только 1 Desktop
Настройки Desktop сохраняются и загружаются из отдельно файла.
Workspaces help manage the working process. Several Workspaces can be open at the same time. It is possible to create, save, open, close, rename, and delete Workspaces, as well as to switch between Workspaces that are open in the application window. <div style="background-color: #E3FBE5;">Note: Each Workspace can contain multiple windows.</div>
Names of all <div style="background-color: #E3FBE5;">Note: If there are no open Workspaces are shown in the tabs at the bottom of application window. The tab of the currently selected (active) Workspace when a new Chart Window is highlighted. To switch to another open created, a new Workspace click the tab of the Workspace you wish to switch tofor that window will be created automatically.</div>
To achieve peak performance limit the number of simultaneously open workspaces to the ones you actually need.

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