VS2008 compile problem - references  [SOLVED]

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VS2008 compile problem - references

Postby macs » 12 Nov 2013

I've installed MultiCharts .NET64 SE Version 8.7 Release (Build 7631).
I have VS2008 installed, but during the installation, I did not install the VB.net components, just the C#

When I load the solution PLStudies8.sln, I get the error message "C:\.....\PLStudiesVB8.csproj cannot be opened because its project type .vbproj is not supported by this version of the application.
That's understandable. The solution contains two projects, the c# which loads fine, and the vb which is marked as unavailable.

But expanding the VS2008 references section shows an error symbol beside two files, PLBuiltInFunctions.dll and PLStudiesProxy.dll
- screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101 ... error1.JPG

When I build the solution, I get lots of errors "The type or namespace name 'Function' does not exist in the namespace PowerLanguage (are you missing an assembly reference)
- screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101 ... error2.JPG

Strangely, the problem appears to be the 'Path' and 'Identity' properties of this reference, but these are greyed out.
Selecting a broken reference, the path property is empty
- screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101 ... error3.JPG
Selecting a working reference, the path property is the full path to the dll file.
- screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/101 ... error4.JPG

The dlls for the two broken references: these files do exist in the proper folder.
So, why does the solution contain broken paths? Why is the path property disabled - I cannot change it.

Removing the broken reference, and adding it again by selecting the PLBuiltInFunctions dll from the program files folder, the path property is still empty, and there's still a yellow broken icon.

Any ideas?

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Henry MultiСharts
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Re: VS2008 compile problem - references  [SOLVED]

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 13 Nov 2013

Hello macs,

Since version 8.5 MultiCharts .Net uses .Net Framework 4.0 (as our users have requested).
The solution should be compiled using .Net 4.0 now. VS2008 does not support .Net Framework 4.0.
Please use VS2010 or VS2012.

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Re: VS2008 compile problem - references

Postby macs » 13 Nov 2013

Thanks for the quick reply.

As VS2008 is no longer supported, it might be a good idea to modify the installer, to not install the file PLStudies8.sln

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Henry MultiСharts
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Re: VS2008 compile problem - references

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 14 Nov 2013

macs, we will delete it from the installer.

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