CPU* |
Quad Core 3 GHz or higher |
Octa Core 4 GHz or higher |
16 Core or higher 4.5 GHz or higher |
8 GB |
32 GB |
128 GB |
Free space |
30 GB on HDD or SSD |
100 GB on SSD with SATA or M.2 interface |
500 GB on SSD with NVMe interface |
Monitor |
Single monitor setup Full HD or 2K |
Dual monitor setup 2K or 4K |
Multi-monitor setup 4K |
A power user is someone who uses 1 or more of the following: 5 or more tick charts, 10 or more interval charts, 15 or more indicators or signals on a chart.
*Intel 64 (AMD64) architecture processors
Note: MultiCharts .NET requires that you have .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0 and 4.6.1 installed.
Brokers & data feeds
To receive real-time data, you need a compatible data vendor subscription or an account with a compatible brokerage. For more information please review the list of supported brokers and data sources.
MultiCharts .NET 64-bit version allows to engage RAM efficiently, as the result it can handle a large number of charts, studies, and data.
Scripting language
MultiCharts .NET uses C# and VB.NET scripts for strategies and indicators.
Development technologies
MultiCharts .NET’s architecture is written in C++, and it uses hardware resources to the fullest possible extent. It is a multi-process application that efficiently passes information between the processes to achieve maximum efficiency. MultiCharts .NET runs parallel tasks on each processor, which dramatically improves the system performance. MultiCharts .NET technology is also multiple-monitor friendly, allowing multiple chart windows to be detached from the main application and displayed across all of the available monitors simultaneously.
MultiCharts .NET is a multi-threaded application. This means that the more CPU cores your computer has, the faster optimization in MultiCharts .NET will work. With modern multi-core processors we can now meet traders’ rapidly growing demands for speed and efficiency in trading platforms.