Question on how to use Custom Resolutions correctly?

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Question on how to use Custom Resolutions correctly?

Postby jarym » 13 Jan 2024

I am exploring the Custom Resolution mechanism and as a test I set myself the goal of creating the equivalent of a 5000 tick chart but that breaks every 4 hours (similar to 'Break on Session' but breaking bars every 4 hours instead of at the session).

I started with the 'Bar formation' sample and made some small adjustments - I'm using the 'Quantity' field here to refer to number of ticks to process before completing bar (set at 5000 in my settings). First problem is I can't tell if its working and the 2nd problem is my strategy which works fine on a regular 5000 tick bar suddenly rarely starts taking trades.

Is this the right way to code what I'm trying to do?

Code: Select all

#region Properties private int _ticks_per_bar = DefaultSettings.Quantity; private int _current_tick_count = 0; private Int64 _last_tick_time = 0; private OHLC m_OHLC = new OHLC(); #endregion public void Init(IBaseOptions baseOptions, IParams customParams) { object obj = null; customParams.GetValue((int)EFields.QuantityField, out obj); if (obj != null) { _ticks_per_bar = (int)obj; } Trace.TraceInformation(string.Format("Init {0}: Quantity={1}", ToString(), _ticks_per_bar)); } public void OnData(ICustomBar Bar, Int64 time_in_ticks, Int32 tickId, double open, double high, double low, double close, long volumeAdded, long upVolumeAdded, long downVolumeAdded, ECustomBarTrendType trend, bool isBarClose) { if ( _last_tick_time == 0 ) _last_tick_time = time_in_ticks; _current_tick_count++; bool tickThreshold = _current_tick_count >= _ticks_per_bar; bool timeThreshold = IsCrossingBoundary(_last_tick_time, time_in_ticks); if(tickThreshold || timeThreshold) { Bar.CloseBar(); _current_tick_count = 0; m_OHLC.Clear(); } m_OHLC.Update(open, high, low, close, volumeAdded, upVolumeAdded, downVolumeAdded, time_in_ticks, tickId); Bar.UpdateBar(m_OHLC.Time_in_ticks, m_OHLC.TickId, m_OHLC.Open, m_OHLC.High, m_OHLC.Low, m_OHLC.Close, m_OHLC.BarVolume, m_OHLC.BarUpVolume, m_OHLC.BarDownVolume, m_OHLC.Trend, true, true); _last_tick_time = time_in_ticks; } public void Reset() { _current_tick_count = 0; _last_tick_time = 0; m_OHLC.Clear(); } #endregion public static bool IsCrossingBoundary(Int64 lastTickTime, Int64 currentTickTime) { // Convert ticks to DateTime DateTime lastTime = new DateTime(lastTickTime); DateTime currentTime = new DateTime(currentTickTime); // Calculate the next boundary time from current time DateTime nextBoundary = GetNextBoundary(currentTime); // Check if crossing the boundary return currentTime >= nextBoundary && lastTime < nextBoundary; } private static DateTime GetNextBoundary(DateTime time) { // Define the boundary hours int[] boundaryHours = new int[] { 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 }; // Find the next boundary hour foreach (int hour in boundaryHours) { DateTime boundaryTime = DateTime.Today.AddHours(hour); if (time < boundaryTime) { return boundaryTime; } } // If no boundary is found for today, return the first boundary of the next day return DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).AddHours(boundaryHours[0]); }

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