Search found 69 matches

by damageboy
Aug 13 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Wierd Error
Replies: 11
Views: 6074

@miltonc4: next beta release should fix that.
Don't know when it will be out, perhaps MC team will kindly post a REAL release date for the next beta... (I think it was supposed to be last Friday)
by damageboy
Jul 31 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Wierd Error
Replies: 11
Views: 6074

Is there a way to revert to MC 2.1.909.909?
I simply can't use without my indicators...
by damageboy
Jul 28 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Wierd Error
Replies: 11
Views: 6074

Is there an ETA for this bug fix?
I simply can't do anything without ADE... :)
I don't mine testing it out for you guys if you want to send me a dll...
by damageboy
Jul 24 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Wierd Error
Replies: 11
Views: 6074

Thank you for responding quickly.
by damageboy
Jul 24 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Wierd Error
Replies: 11
Views: 6074

I have no problem with COMPILING it. I have a problem with running. I get "Unspecified error". Other indicators (non-ADE) work fine. All of my indicators compile... ( I recompiled after installation). I am using the latest beta. The two previous beta's released worked fine with ADE. All I ...
by damageboy
Jul 23 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Wierd Error
Replies: 11
Views: 6074

Wierd Error

I get the error "Unspecified Error" with the foloowing code: Inputs: UseFile(ADE.UseFile); // default UseFile is returned by ADE.UseFile If I comment the UseFile line it compiles fine... Ade.UseFile is defined as follow (and compiles fine): // Modify this function to change the default val...
by damageboy
Jun 06 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Connecting to multiple IB accounts
Replies: 3
Views: 2793

Can anyone from MC support comment on this problem and try to answer if/will it be fixed (hopefully during the 2.1 beta...)? I will re-iterate the problem, when the IB data source is cloned in the data sources list, it still shared configuration with the "original" IB data source. This pre...
by damageboy
Jun 04 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Connecting to multiple IB accounts
Replies: 3
Views: 2793

Connecting to multiple IB accounts

Hi, I want to configure MC to connect to different instances of IB TWS so that I could get more than the 100 symbols that IB allows for from one TWS application. I've tried to clone the IB data source from the data sources menu however I can't get it to use a different ip/port pair. When ever I chan...
by damageboy
Apr 06 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: When will be the next MultiChart Update ? [SOLVED]
Replies: 40
Views: 21166

5 Weeks?
On March 14th Andrew Kirilov said:
MC 2.1 beta is expected to be released by the end of this month.
Both Vista x86 and Vista x64 will be supported.
You need to get your stories straight...
Promising something and then not delivering it is NOT RIGHT.
by damageboy
Mar 13 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Next beta date? Vista Support
Replies: 4
Views: 3198

Dear MC team, I've found out that Vista x64 has some issues regarding the use of MingW compiler. Specifically, mingw needs to be patched to support quirks in Vista CreatProcess on WOW64: The current version of MSYS/MingW can't run on Vi...
by damageboy
Mar 13 2007
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC
Replies: 15
Views: 17181

Hi, The .csv file can go anywhere you want to place it in. The "trick" is to point the indicator to the .csv file. So the Filename input of the indicator should point to the file. Example: The .csv file is placed in c:\2007.csv The Filename input needs to point to "C:\2007.csv" T...
by damageboy
Mar 12 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Global Variables dll / functions [SOLVED]
Replies: 2
Views: 2929

You can check my old post here
Regarding the installation of the updated Global Variables in MC.
by damageboy
Mar 12 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: ELCollections not working on Windows 2003
Replies: 10
Views: 6249

@Jek: MC does support ELKit to some level. I'll sum up my experience. • Pre-Compiled ELKit Dlls works • Compiling ELKit Dlls works if your source code references the ORIGINAL TS elkit.dll / tlb / tlh (whatever you have) • Compiling code while referencing MC's "PLKit.dll" (which is supposed...
by damageboy
Mar 12 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Transfer
Replies: 2
Views: 2401

you can copy the "C:\Program Files\Common Files\TS Support\Databases" directory to the new machine. Again, this worked for me in past betas. if you backup that folder BEFORE, you will be able to restore to the vanilla state in case something goes south. For indicators you can export import...
by damageboy
Mar 12 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: IB Weekends
Replies: 1
Views: 1874

IB Users can set the data server mode to offline in the preferences dialog in the weekend.

It think it also requires a restart of MC (at least it did in the beta).

Yes it sucks, but it works.
by damageboy
Mar 12 2007
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Next beta date? Vista Support
Replies: 4
Views: 3198

Next beta date? Vista Support

Can you please say when will you have the next beta (2.1) for MC available?

What sort of support for vista will you have?
Vista x86? Vista x64?
by damageboy
Dec 06 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: why no print function in PLEditor?
Replies: 2
Views: 2678

For the meanwhile you can use the following snippet of code to print directly to file.

I personally prefer this methos anyway since multiple indicators can redirect to multiple files.

Code: Select all

Print(File("C:\Indicator.txt"), "Hello World");
by damageboy
Dec 06 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: ELCollections not working on Windows 2003
Replies: 10
Views: 6249

No, Windows XP is not Windows 2003,
ELCollections does work well with the latest Beta of MC on Windows XP.

Windows 2003 is the Windows Server familty of products.
thanks anyway.
by damageboy
Dec 04 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: ELCollections not working on Windows 2003
Replies: 10
Views: 6249

Unfortunately I can't anymore, no more TS for me :)

I can let you login though and try whatever you want :)

I'll try contacting support...
by damageboy
Dec 04 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: ELCollections not working on Windows 2003
Replies: 10
Views: 6249

ELCollections not working on Windows 2003

Hi, I've just tried a freah install of MC on a Newly installed windows 2003 machine. MC runs fine, but when I try to invoke anything with ELCollections I get: <<EXCEPTION>> Address: 0x04092008 ( 67706888 ) Code: 0xC0000005 ( -1073741819 ) Continuable: 0x00000000 ( 0 ) Description: The instruction at...
by damageboy
Dec 03 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Goodbye dear users and forum visitors
Replies: 13
Views: 7378

Good-bye Alex!
Thanks for all of the help, and good luck... :)
by damageboy
Nov 25 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: encrypting indicator source code
Replies: 5
Views: 4908

OK Great, Last question(s) about this subject though: Are all of the temporary files located there? i.e., unless I am not mistaken, g++ would use the %TEMP% of %TMP% Directory as well, would it not? Are the output DLL files only stored in that directory? no hidden copy in a database (*.gdb) file or ...
by damageboy
Nov 22 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Advance Bars Desired (for historical testing purposes)
Replies: 11
Views: 7888

Hi denizin2,
You could install ELCollections + ADE to achive what you desire.

Using ADE you can basically reference any bar from any timeframe that you have pre-recorded in advance, so for all purposes, you could reference a year in advance assuming the ADE data exists for this bar.
by damageboy
Nov 22 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: MarketPosiition BUG
Replies: 1
Views: 2158

MarketPosiition BUG

Hi, While using the MarketPosition keyword I noticed it is wrongly intialized by MC before the first trade has been made by the strategy: The following code: If (Debug) then print(File(LogFile), ""); If (Debug) then print(File(LogFile), "---------------------- ", NumToStr(Current...
by damageboy
Nov 22 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: encrypting indicator source code
Replies: 5
Views: 4908

I think the question was misunderstood, therefore the answer is not relevant. I *might* find myself in the future needing to install custom proprietary indicators in a 3rd party location (hedge fund). Since I don't want the compromise my IP (Intellectual Property) I would like to find a way that ens...
by damageboy
Nov 20 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: encrypting indicator source code
Replies: 5
Views: 4908

encrypting indicator source code

Hi, I want to encrypt my custom indicators with a third party tool which I trust more that MC (no offense :)). I was thinking to encrpyt specific files/directories either with Windows Encruption or some other (better) tool like truecrypt. Can the MC team please help by describing all of the director...
by damageboy
Nov 19 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: MD for MC with History (Database)
Replies: 47
Views: 48161

@Nick: I'll give a short update of what I've been upto with regards to this indicator: I've gotten around the up/dn ticks problem already, and therefore removed the Type input all together. In the process, I've also discovered that I need a custom version of ELCollections. The uniqueness of this ver...
by damageboy
Nov 14 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Errors with Line Numbers
Replies: 1
Views: 1486

Errors with Line Numbers

Hi, I was wondering how hard it would be for the MC team to add line number information when errors occur. i.e. if an indicator raises an error (division by zero, external DLL error), it would be very useful for MC to indicate "Error in Indicator 'XXX' line 123". Any comments from the MC t...
by damageboy
Nov 10 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: GetPlotColor() returns defaults, not user settings...
Replies: 0
Views: 1725

GetPlotColor() returns defaults, not user settings...

Hi, I'm trying to use: GetPlotColor() to retrieve the user set plot color for a certain plot in my indicator. I'm noticing that: regardless of WHAT color was set for the plot in the study format dialog, the GetPlotColor() returns the default color used by MC in the first time the study was added... ...
by damageboy
Nov 07 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Frac. price (1/64 U.S Tres. Price Scale) on MC charts
Replies: 1
Views: 2059

Frac. price (1/64 U.S Tres. Price Scale) on MC charts

Hi, I'm trying to display the 10 year Treasury future contract on a multi-charts chart using fractional price scaleIs there way to do it with the current beta of multi-charts. If not, do you plan on adding this feature before the 2.0 release?
by damageboy
Nov 06 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Realtime Recording / Historical Loading
Replies: 2
Views: 2064

My suggestion is simple: Instead of reading historical bars ONLY when the data is missing (backfills), do it EVERY time the chart is re-loaded, regardless whether the data was previously recorded in real-time. only when the data stored within MultiCharts database,is the one retrieved from the histor...
by damageboy
Nov 04 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Realtime Recording / Historical Loading
Replies: 2
Views: 2064

Realtime Recording / Historical Loading

Hi, I've noticed that when MC uses live feeds, the bars generated on screen and stored in DB are according to the computer clock. However if for some reason there were data communication errors or hickups, the data generated from realtime will actually differ from that loaded from the provider. To &...
by damageboy
Nov 02 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: 1-Tick chart vs. 5 min bar discrepancy...
Replies: 2
Views: 2020

I understand there is a bid/ask sync issue with regard to last trade. This is, "NORMAL", or at least, I've come to terms with it as I've seen no data provider that works "right", so if everyone messes up, I can relate to that as being normal. My real issue is with volume discrepa...
by damageboy
Nov 01 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: 1-Tick chart vs. 5 min bar discrepancy...
Replies: 2
Views: 2020

1-Tick chart vs. 5 min bar discrepancy...

Hi, I'm using the following indicator on a 1 tick chart of Trade (Data1) Bid (Data2) Ask (Data3) Input: Interval(5); Variables: Price(0),Bid(0),Ask(0),AtBid(True),AtAsk(True),N(0), MyUpVol(0), MyDownVol(0), MyErrVol(0), LastT(Time), TraceFile("X:\XXX.log"); if (TimeToMinutes(time) >= TimeT...
by damageboy
Oct 30 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: MD for MC with History (Database)
Replies: 47
Views: 48161

Hi everyone, I've been playing with the MD footprint code (both the originals and my own) and have come to the conclusion that the current versions (including mmine) are terribly wrong . Basically, the root of the problem seems to be that the current available indicators assume that each time the in...
by damageboy
Oct 29 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC
Replies: 15
Views: 17181

I will add it to the list of exported functions and re-export.
It's just one of those functions I was never sure about whether they belong to the plain vanilla distribution or not... (The name ELXXX usually suggests they do..)
by damageboy
Oct 29 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC
Replies: 15
Views: 17181

My bad, I somehow deleted the .xml attachment.
My sincere apologies...

Master post now contains the .xml file.
The file contains the app + .csv
by damageboy
Oct 29 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: MD for MC with History (Database)
Replies: 47
Views: 48161

@Guest: Unless I'm totally mistaken there is no comparable version for either TS/MC out in the wild other than those I linked to in the original post. If anything, I haven't seen any of the unethical behavior you speak of in the MC forums... in other words, whatever is free over there has (to the be...
by damageboy
Oct 28 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: Time Remaining Indicator for MC
Replies: 11
Views: 11238

Time Remaining Indicator for MC

Hi, This is the first release of my Time Remaining indicator for MC, which displays the approximate time left for the current bar, just to the right of that bar. Ultimately this looks something like: The indicator will plot how many seconds are left until ...
by damageboy
Oct 28 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: MD for MC with History (Database)
Replies: 47
Views: 48161

New version

Hi everyone,
I've added a new display feature and fixed a few bugs, read the master post to get the full details on the update...
by damageboy
Oct 27 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: MD for MC with History (Database)
Replies: 47
Views: 48161

Thanks SP, I know there's still work to be done here, and I'm doing it, expect a newer improved version during the weekend. I just wanted to get it out of the door so that early adopters such as yourself could look at it and suggest improvements and spot bugs. My current list of bugs includes: Gradi...
by damageboy
Oct 27 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: ADE, ELcollections, and GlobalVariables
Replies: 42
Views: 87638

My bad,
I've updated the main post, so it's downloadable there too...
by damageboy
Oct 26 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: MD for MC with History (Database)
Replies: 47
Views: 48161

MD for MC with History (Database)

Hi, This is the first release of my MD indicator for MC, loosely based on the non-db version of the same indicator posted here: which is turn is based on MD code posted in TS forums: NOTE: This i...
by damageboy
Oct 26 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: ADE, ELcollections, and GlobalVariables
Replies: 42
Views: 87638

ADE, ELcollections, and GlobalVariables

[Moderator's notes:] This thread was created when MultiCharts was a 32 bit software. The attachments in this thread are for MultiCharts 32 bit version. If you are using MultiCharts 64 bit version, please download your 64 bit add-ons here: ===>>>
by damageboy
Oct 26 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC
Replies: 15
Views: 17181

It's inside the file

If you feel anxious to see the source PM me, I don't mind sharing it, just didn't want to add TOO much noise.
by damageboy
Oct 23 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC
Replies: 15
Views: 17181

Economic Calendar Indicator for MC

Hi, I've coded an utility and indicator for MC to plot Economic Events, The resulting chart looks something like this: Update: I've re-exported the indicator to include the ELDateToString and ELTimeToString function which may not be inst...
by damageboy
Oct 23 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Can I Start MC without any charts?
Replies: 4
Views: 2464

That's Perfect!
Thanks once again Alex and MC team!
by damageboy
Oct 23 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Can I Start MC without any charts?
Replies: 4
Views: 2464

That's not what I meant... What I meant, is if I have some sort of a problematic setup that takes hours to load, I would like to have some sort of a /safe switch that I could use from commandline... For example, outlook, excel and other office applications have a "/safe" that loads the app...
by damageboy
Oct 23 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Can I Start MC without any charts?
Replies: 4
Views: 2464

Can I Start MC without any charts?

Is there anyway of firing MC some command line switch for not loading any charts/workspaces?
by damageboy
Oct 22 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Using Stored Tick Data for indicator calculation
Replies: 1
Views: 1753

Using Stored Tick Data for indicator calculation

Hi, Does MC have or has planned a feature for using stored tick data when calculating indicators / back-testing strategies? If it is currently possible, how do I invoke it for an indicator/strategy? I know that I can check the "Update Every Tick" check box in the properties page for an ind...
by damageboy
Oct 20 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Debug a study
Replies: 14
Views: 5147

From my experience, the output bar was indeed improved (i.e. it started working;)) in the latest beta,
but if you start "pounding" it with lots of debugs it will lose information.
by damageboy
Oct 19 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Debug a study
Replies: 14
Views: 5147

@Alex: I'm assuming he's referring to runtime debugging. For that you have to go the ugly way: There's no debugger or such, however you can use a print statement. Print("Hello World, This is bar ", CurrentBar); should in theory appear in the debug pane however I find it very inconvenient a...
by damageboy
Oct 19 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: pluginsupport.jar
Replies: 9
Views: 5420

I don't know exactly why you're getting this, but pluginsupport.jar is a .jar file added to the list of required jars in TWS (Trader Workstation) from Interactive Brokers in version 861. Perhaps someone (MC?) needs to add it somehow... I think you could (although I wouldn't recommend such things) ad...
by damageboy
Oct 19 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Max bars forward error
Replies: 2
Views: 1987

Max bars forward error

I'm getting this weird error for the first time with freshly ported code from TS. A dialog pops up sometimes saying: Max bars forward error. Bars reference value : -79. What does it exactly mean? I'm guessing something is doing something nasty such as: //Crash me Value1 = Close[-79] However if I run...
by damageboy
Oct 19 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: MD code not working
Replies: 38
Views: 13768

@SP: Oh, I deleted that one too while working on my DB powered version of the indicator... Just didnt' find any good reason for it. While we're on the subject of the given code, I'm not sure this does that "we" want it to: // Use Upticks/Downticks if DownTicks <> MyDownTicks then Bid[Index...
by damageboy
Oct 19 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Erratic Memory Consumption
Replies: 12
Views: 5918

I personally think it is a feature, doesn't matter how you package it: I know the the bulk majority of users of retail products like MC would not be interested by this. But those very same users that WOULD be interested are usually those that create the more professional community indicators/systems...
by damageboy
Oct 19 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Erratic Memory Consumption
Replies: 12
Views: 5918

MC diagnostics

In reference to this ongoing issue I'm having, I think it would be very wise for multicharts to have some sort of a /debug switch or whatever means to toggle extensive logging. This could help to debug these sort of issues which are sometimes hard to reproduce. Specifically in my case, initiating th...
by damageboy
Oct 19 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: MD code not working
Replies: 38
Views: 13768

@fundjunkie: You need to setup the symbol in QuoteManager AND you have to do it BEFORE opening any charts for that symbol, if you are using any of the symbol SP gave the config for you can refer to this copy-paste of his original text....: ..............Pricescale.........MinM.......BPV FDAX.......1...
by damageboy
Oct 18 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Erratic Memory Consumption
Replies: 12
Views: 5918

Hi, I tried to intiate a chat, it was 14:20 CME Exchange time. No one was in. Here's a screenshot of process explorer with the MC processes for what it's worth. Normally the MCActiveX.exe process takes ~100MB for my set of charts/workspaces, and it stays that way, I don't know what on earth triggger...
by damageboy
Oct 17 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Erratic Memory Consumption
Replies: 12
Views: 5918

Sure thing,
It's not an "if", it's a "when".
by damageboy
Oct 17 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: Erratic Memory Consumption
Replies: 12
Views: 5918

Erratic Memory Consumption

Today I had to shut down the beta during trading due to MCActiveX.exe taking up 1.6GB of memory...

Subsequent lanches of MC did npt reproduce the problem...

Is there anything I/you can do try and diagnose this?
by damageboy
Oct 15 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: GlobalVariable.dll in MC beta
Replies: 2
Views: 2148

GlobalVariable.dll in MC beta

I've noticed that GlobalVariable.dll is supplied with MC (beta version) , what are the differences between the one download able from TS forums and the one supplied with MC? I've noticed for one thing, the the string functions are missing and that the implementation of the DLL is different from the ...
by damageboy
Oct 14 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: PL Runtime Errors/Debugging
Replies: 1
Views: 1722

PL Runtime Errors/Debugging

Hi Multicharts guys, I'm using the Beta and trying to convert my TS code to work with MC. While generally everything seems to be working well, I am having lots of runtime errors which stem from differences between TS/MC. My main headache so to speak is code that is dependant on ADE/EL Collections wh...
by damageboy
Oct 10 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: MD code not working
Replies: 38
Views: 13768

Quick question regarding price scale.... If I set it to 1/4 in the QM window, I get the price displayed with only one decimal point for the ES and rounded up: 1360.75 -> 1360.8 can someone explain to me how should the QM/Window for ES be configured to both have the correct Minimal Movement / Price S...
by damageboy
Oct 10 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: MD code not working
Replies: 38
Views: 13768

It's the price scale alright, I just solved the problem myself when I noticed "SP"'s post :)
by damageboy
Oct 10 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: MD code not working
Replies: 38
Views: 13768

Hi, I'm using the new latest beta of MC and now, after increasing the array size it does indeed "plot" on the screen.
However , I'm having the same problem Guest2 reported.
Lots of "0x0" plot one on top of the other...
I've tried the same code on TS and is works fine...
by damageboy
Oct 05 2006
Forum: User Contributed Studies and Indicator Library
Topic: MD code not working
Replies: 38
Views: 13768

Doesn't work with latest beta...
I can compile the code but I get an "out of bounds" error on inde -7000... :(
by damageboy
Sep 18 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: IB and ESZ6
Replies: 3
Views: 2404

Nope, not at all,
Standard en-us.
by damageboy
Sep 15 2006
Forum: MultiCharts
Topic: IB and ESZ6
Replies: 3
Views: 2404

IB and ESZ6

Hi Guys, I've just installed the latest beta and tried to connect through my local TWS instance to get the E-Mini S&P 500 (ESZ6) and I'm experiencing the same problems other people reported in the last few days. I add a contract but it's nowhere to be found on the QM or when I try to create a ch...