Compiled with error(s):  [SOLVED]

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Jan 07 2014

Hi there,

No matter what code which I placed in the Indicator, I always get
--------------Compiled with error(s)----------------
Compile error
line 0, column 0"

It is so wired. This happened not only when I put the code which I wrote by myself, even when I copy and paste the code from pre-installed Indicators (like Volume, Volume DN, etc.).

It was not resolved I have done every suggestions from ... lumnEnd_0)

I have also removed Multicharts entirely (include market data) and re-installed it. Same thing happened.

The machine I am using is 64-bit Windows 7 in Macbook Air 2013 with Parallel. It used to be fine when I use 64-bit Windows 8 in Macbook Air 2013 with Parallel. But it is hard to believe the reason is because Windows 7. I must missed something.

Thanks for any help.

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Henry MultiСharts
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Jan 08 2014

Hello edwardho,

Please come to our live chat Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 4 pm EST to demonstrate this behavior remotely and we will collect all required for analysis information.

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Feb 26 2014

I'm getting the same error. Brand new Windows 8 PC.

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Henry MultiСharts
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Feb 26 2014

bwelthe, please follow the guide to resolve the issue: How to resolve compilation issue.

If you are unable to resolve it - please come to our live chat Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 3 pm EST and we will help you.

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Feb 27 2014

We know this sort of error, too. It shows up whenever the underlying GNU C/C++ compiler from the MinGW project that MultiCharts uses in order to compile power language, quits with an error.

The original error message can be found in

C:\ProgramData\TS Support\MultiCharts\StudyServer\Studies\compiler_error.log

In order to work around this error, I have two comments.
1. If you see the error message "compile error, line 0, column 0", do not close any PowerLanguage sources in the PL editor. We had an occasion at which the PL editor overwrote our source files with length 0 empty files.
2. It is usually enough to go to the MC installation tool and to repair the existing installation rather than remove MC and then install it again.

I have a gut feeling that one of these errors happens when you access previous price data of secondary time series, i.e. something such as

x = close[17] of data(4)

perhaps if you get one of the brackets [] or () wrong, but I have not managed to reproduce the error.
3. Once this error has occurred, you can no longer compile any (other) PL code. I would therefore guess that the failed compilation leaves a broken object file or a broken DLL somewhere in the <StudyServer> directory, one that MC does not or cannot re-generate on its own. It would be ideal if the MC staff could point us to the specific file that needs to be removed or overwritten with factory defaults in this case.

Kind regards,


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Henry MultiСharts
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Feb 27 2014

Hello HPF,

Let me provide some clarifications regarding the compilation issue (when that is impossible to compile an empty study) to avoid any confusion. This issue usually appears right after installation of MultiCharts, or after a system update.
I have a gut feeling that one of these errors happens when you access previous price data of secondary time series, i.e. something such as
x = close[17] of data(4)
perhaps if you get one of the brackets [] or () wrong, but I have not managed to reproduce the error.
The compilation issue (when that is impossible to compile an empty study) is not related to the code you are trying to compile.
3. Once this error has occurred, you can no longer compile any (other) PL code. I would therefore guess that the failed compilation leaves a broken object file or a broken DLL somewhere in the <StudyServer> directory, one that MC does not or cannot re-generate on its own. It would be ideal if the MC staff could point us to the specific file that needs to be removed or overwritten with factory defaults in this case.
That is not correct. The error is not the source of the issue but the result of it. It does not happen when certain study is being compiled. There are no broken objects/files/DLLs that are causing it and that can be deleted in order to resolve the issue.

There are two possible reasons of the compilation issue:
the issue with virtual allocation;
the issue with GCC short paths.
  • The issue with virtual allocation is automatically fixed by the installer file since MultiCharts 8.5.
    2. It is usually enough to go to the MC installation tool and to repair the existing installation rather than remove MC and then install it again.
    That is correct, but the repair is good for virtual allocation issue only.
  • The issue with GCC short paths is caused by the default system value (1,2=wrong, 0=correct) for NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem.
    The file paths are shortened incorrectly and the compiler cannot work properly with it’s own libraries or access the studis files/folders.
The fastest and easiest solution for that issue is just to remove MultiCharts and install it into a short path, move the studies into a short path. It is described in details in the How to resolve compilation issue guide.
1. If you see the error message "compile error, line 0, column 0", do not close any PowerLanguage sources in the PL editor. We had an occasion at which the PL editor overwrote our source files with length 0 empty files.
We have never experienced this behavior on our end. Please let us know if you are able to replicate it on a constant basis.

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Feb 28 2014

I see. It seems the error that we have experienced is the "virtual allocation" type.

It happened after working with MC for several hours. In
C:\ProgramData\TS Support\MultiCharts\StudyServer\Studies\compiler_error.log
I had the error message:
C:\PROGRA~2\TSSUPP~2\MULTIC~2\STUDYS~1\Studies\SrcCpp\STRATE~1\S_AC_A~1.CPP: In member function 'virtual void s_AC_AF1v2::Body()':
C:\PROGRA~2\TSSUPP~2\MULTIC~2\STUDYS~1\Studies\SrcCpp\STRATE~1\S_AC_A~1.CPP:290:95: error: '((s_AC_AF1v2*)this)->s_AC_AF1v2::<anonymous>.CUserSignal::<anonymous>.CBaseUserStudy::<anonymous>.CBaseUserStudyGlobalData::<anonymous>.CBaseUserStudyData::Less((&((s_AC_AF1v2*)this)->s_AC_AF1v2::<anonymous>.CUserSignal::<anonymous>.CBaseUserStudy::<anonymous>.CBaseUserStudyGlobalData::date.CBaseUserStudyGlobalData::CGlobalVarWrap::operator()((uinteger_t)*((s_AC_AF1v2*)this)->s_AC_AF1v2::iI_k._ELAPI_::user_vars::CStackVar<double>::Value()(0)))->IVariable<TSimple>::Value [with TSimple = double, IVariable<TSimple>::_MyRetT = double, real_t = double](0.0), (&((s_AC_AF1v2*)this)->s_AC_AF1v2::<anonymous>.CUserSignal::<anonymous>.CBaseUserStudy::<anonymous>.CBaseUserStudyGlobalData::date.CBaseUserStudyGlobalData::CGlobalVarWrap::operator()(0u))->IVariable<TSimple>::Value [with TSimple = double, IVariable<TSimple>::_MyRetT = double, real_t = double](0.0))' cannot be used as a function
Once this error appeared, I was not able to compile any other PL code. After using the repair option of the installation tool, the PL file that had initially triggered the error, compiled without any problem.

Do you know why GCC misbehaves sometimes, but not always? Do you know why it refuses to work once this error has happened, but why everything is fine after repairing the installation?

We took a snapshot copy of the file tree, and when this happens again (and I have some time to spare), we'll try to find the file(s) that make the difference.

Kind regards,


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Feb 28 2014

Virtual allocation issue appears when address space that is used by MultiCharts for operation is occupied by a different application. It can be an antivirus, process tracer or unlocker application. In order to avoid this issue please make sure MultiCharts Studies folder is not being monitored by such applications.

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Apr 10 2014

This is a new install on a brand new disk, Windows Vista.


compile error.jpg
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Apr 13 2014

Problem fixed.
What happened was, I bought a new disk and installed Windows Vista on it. During the installation process, I have selected to install all the updates. However, unbeknownst to me, the service packs were not part of the automatic update. I have since downloaded and installed the service packs, and the PLE works like a charm.

Thanks to Alex and Henry for the time to trouble shoot this elusive problem.

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May 23 2014

Here my specific solution for the same Compiler error:
I have wrote a function with a few numericArrayRef's. The first compile was failed (error was finding simple). As all simple errors was corrected, the error #compile error:"line 0, column 0" still persists.
Thougth, perhaps it could in context of my numericArrayRef-declarations, I have removed all parts of that in the code including the Inputs-Declaration (also additional array-declarations). The new compile was SUCCESSFUL.
And then I was wondering: I have add all parts again, that I was removed before (exactly without changes). After that, the compile was SUCCESSFUL too.

Here a part of my declarations:

Code: Select all

Inputs: ...HiArr_Size(numeric), LoArr_Size(numeric),
double HiArr[HiArr_Size](numericArrayRef), double LoArr[LoArr_Size](numericArrayRef),...;
Arrays: double CP_HiArr[](0), double CP_LoArr[](0),
double CP_HiBarArr[](0), double CP_LoBarArr[](0);

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Dec 05 2014

Hello All,
This error occurs even if load and compiled a standard indicator why?
How can I eliminate this error?

------ Compiled with error(s): ------
Compile error
line 0, column 0


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Henry MultiСharts
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Dec 08 2014

Hello Antonio,

If you are unable to compile even an empty study (no code) then follow these instructions: How to resolve the compilation error.

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Jan 28 2015

Struggled with the compile error "line 0, column 0" this evening. It ended up in my functions, I pass a multidimensional array into the function. The input code references the array as " input_array[x,y](numericarrayref). I also used the declared the variable "x". This declaration of "x" was causing the issue with in the inputs as near as I can tell. Changed the variable to something different and it compiles again...Just another idea.

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Feb 26 2015

Hello All,
This error occurs even if load and compiled a standard indicator why?
How can I eliminate this error?

------ Compiled with error(s): ------
Compile error
line 0, column 0

I had the same problem. Make sure on MSCONFIG that "Windows Event Log" Service is runnig (see pic). I was able to solve the problem, after some "Windows Tunning" experiments.
Windows Event Log.png
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Apr 06 2016

I am having same problem with complier on this version. ------ Build started: ------
Study: "Test" (Indicator)
Please wait ....
------ Compiled with error(s): ------
Compile error
line 0, column 0
It even does it with a blank indicator??
Any help appreciated.

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Apr 07 2016

Hello moneymarkets,

If you are unable to compile even an empty study (no code) then follow these instructions: How to resolve the compilation error.

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Apr 15 2016

I had the same problem after a Windows 10 update. Started following the uninstall instructions, but then when I got to the "Uninstall" or "Repair" dialog, I took the lazy way out and selected "Repair".

Everything compiled fine after that, and it was much easier and quicker than uninstalling/re-installing.