[RecoverDrawings = false]

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[RecoverDrawings = false]

Postby bowlesj3 » 29 Jan 2013

In the following request link of the project management system
https://www.multicharts.com/pm/viewissu ... _no=MC-436
Which is titled " TL_Persist, Text_Persist, Arw_Persist"
Andrew mentions
[RecoverDrawings = false] should help
I tried a search string of "RecoverDrawings" in the Wiki and got a no find.
I also tried a search string *Persist* and found nothing.

Where might this command be used in "MC 8.5 beta 2" to stop the drawing objects from constantly being deleted on every tick up until BarStatus=2.


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Re: [RecoverDrawings = false]

Postby Dru » 30 Jan 2013

Your indicator/signal/function code should be like:

Code: Select all

[RecoverDrawings = false]

// your study code here
This attribute is supported since MC 8.0 Release

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Re: [RecoverDrawings = false]

Postby bowlesj3 » 30 Jan 2013

Thanks Dru.

Your info fills in part of the puzzle. However Andrew mentions that the original request is being implemented in MC 8.0 beta 2 so I guess the MC Staff need to update the Wiki yet and maybe give us a bit of direction as to what the new commands are (this seems like an excellent thread to do that in). I also searched for *TL_New* and I could not see anything new. I scanned the new features of the last MC version that was at the top of the forum and did not notice anything related to this feature request.

I was planning on downloading (on a Friday night or Saturday morning) and testing it but I will not bother until I know how to use the commands.


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Re: [RecoverDrawings = false]

Postby bowlesj3 » 31 Jan 2013

I thought the new commands might be MC_TL_New but the Wiki says "The same as TL_New" so that implies that if the problem with tools being deleted on every new tick until barstatus=2 has been fixed in Beta-2 then it must be a different command. I can not see it being a simple global parameter change since it would be hard to predict how that old code may react unless all variations on old coding has been tested. For example, the old code has to keep sending out new text/lines/arrows until barstatus=2. If a simple parameter was used then the code (which now causes the first one to stick on the screen) will end up putting out too many texts/lines/arrows thus causing the trader huge amounts of work to convert to the new parameter setting when they probably can not afford the time. It makes more sense to have a new command (much less risky). This way the trader can install new commands as they are needed and convert the old ones when they get time or when it is convenient. It makes sense to me. Traders are incredibly busy and respecting their time this way is a good idea. TL_New_Persist gives a hint as to what the command does that is new relative to the old command. Having new commands would allow the trader to have one or more of the old commands and one or more of the new commands in the same script. Inserting a parameter in the script would force the trader to convert the logic on all commands within the script causing them to be a lot slower to start using the new feature.

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Re: [RecoverDrawings = false]

Postby bowlesj3 » 24 Feb 2013

Regarding Andrew’s Project Mnager Post

Code: Select all

[RecoverDrawings = false] should help retain TL_new Arw_new Text_New Drawings during update on every tick
and regarding Andrew’s response to me questions shown below
bowlesj3 wrote:
... Did I miss it or have then been rescheduled for MC 9.0 or something?

MC-436 - TL_Persist, Text_Persist, Arw_Persist
https://www.multicharts.com/pm/viewissue ... _no=MC-436

Did you try this? If it is not working, please elaborate.
bowlesj3 wrote:
MC-423 - More methods to execute a study.
https://www.multicharts.com/pm/viewissue ... _no=MC-423

1/ execute on every tick (every trade) - possible: IOG in real-time or IOG + 1 tick BM.
2/ execute on every change in bid. - possible: use bid series
3/ execute on every change in ask. - possible: use ask series
4/ execute on every regular interval of X seconds (example .5 seconds). - possible: RecalcLastBarAfter
5/ execute on FKey? pressed. - not implemented.
Hi Andrew,

Sorry for taking so long to get back to this. I have been very busy automating my trading methodology as much as I am willing to. This weekend I will update my forum posts on this issue. I will create an update at the very top of those threads and mention it in a new post. Later when I get a chance to test the new option I will update these posts if necessary. I will also make an entry in the Wiki with a link to these threads so users are aware of these problems and the solution.

It is my understanding at this point that one can not just drop this parameter into an existing script which uses the TL_New/Arw_New/Text_New commands unless the logic has been set up to deal with it (generally meaning the trend lines and other drawings are put on the chart on CurrentBar=1 and then moved into sight and out of sight from that point on). Because of the blanket approach of the “[RecoverDrawings = false]” paramter to solving this problem I will have to create a test script then if all seems okay after a while, maybe I can find a simpler study to convert to using this new approach. I will probably use my prior test script in the link

These are my database entries of the links I have out there.

MC - 3 ways to deal with Trend Line Deletes and the Need for TL_Persist

MC - "Mysterious line deletions" explained & TL_Persist needed! (all the thread)

Hopefully this will the the issue resolved and users using the new parameter.

John Bowles.

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