autotrading didn't stop after internetconnection problems

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Sep 21 2011

Hi @,

I'm running some test with autotrading in MC7. This morning my datafeed had some problems, but autotrading stayed active.
In MC 6 auto trading automatically turned off when the system stopped receiving data.

Is this a bug or normal behaviour?

Best regards,


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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 21 2011

This is expected behaviour.
The auto trading should not stop if the chart stopped receiving data.

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Sep 21 2011

This is expected behaviour.
The auto trading should not stop if the chart stopped receiving data.
Hi Henry,

If you go to the properties of a signal, then to auto trading, then to broker plugin/INteractive brokers

In in this screen there is a setting called "disable auto trading after <number of seconds> connection loss"

What does this do?

I want auto trading to be turned off after a connection loss, because I monitor this setting.

Best regards,


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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 22 2011

Simon please let me know who is your data feed.
Do you also lose the connection to broker when you lose the connection to data feed?

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Sep 22 2011

Simon please let me know who is your data feed.
Do you also lose the connection to broker when you lose the connection to data feed?
Hi Henry,

I use IQfeed, I'm not sure if I also lost the broker connection, it could be that my entire internet connection was done. I think I had to revalidate the Multicharts license as wel.
It just happened once, but because I monitor if autotrading is still turned on my monitoring stopped working.

Best regards,


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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 22 2011

In MC6 the auto trading turned off when the connection to the broker was lost and the AT system received an order from the chart. That meant that the the connection with data feed is ok and with the broker it is broken. In this case there is no need to continue auto trading so it was turned off.

In MC7 the Broker profile is in charge of turning off auto trading. If the connection to the broker is lost and it is not reconnected in the specified time-the auto trading will be disabled. You can set "disable auto trading after <number of seconds> connection loss" to disable auto trading after NN seconds after the connection to the broker is lost.

At the moment there is no such feature in MultiCharts to disable the auto trading if the chart stopped receiving data. You may want to submit a feature request to the Project Management of our web site so other users can vote for it:
Are you having any issues because of such behavior or it is just a feature request?
In my understanding this feature will disable AT on the session breaks, on slow markets... That can bring inconvenience to a lot of users.

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Sep 22 2011

Hi Henry,

My problem is caused by a different implementation in MC7 than in MC6.
I'm gonna think about how I want to solve this. If necessary I'll submit a pm.



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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 22 2011

What I was trying to explain is that auto trading was not disabled if the chart stopped receiving data.
Disabling AT is connected only with broker connection both in MC6 and MC7.

Please describe your problem in details and I will do my best to help you.

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Sep 22 2011

What I was trying to explain is that auto trading was not disabled if the chart stopped receiving data.
Disabling AT is connected only with broker connection both in MC6 and MC7.

Please describe your problem in details and I will do my best to help you.

My problem is that I'm unable to monitor if it's still running. In MC6 I used a signal that check if auto trading was still on, if it was turned off this signal started emailing me warning me that auto trading was turned off. In MC6 if autotrading got turned off, this was a trigger that something went wrong.

IN MC 7 I want to monitor if autotrading is still on, if my broker position and strategy position is still the same, if IQ feed still passes new data to the system etc...
And if one of the things describe above goes wrong I want to be warned via email

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Henry MultiСharts
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Sep 22 2011

Simon can you please come to our live chat Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 2 pm EST and demonstrate how it was working on MC 6?
We need to have a look at this implementation and compare it with MC7 to be able to help you.