Drawing Objects in Charts with Semi Log Scaling

Questions about MultiCharts .NET and user contributed studies.
Posts: 2
Joined: Aug 25 2014

Aug 25 2014

It seems that trendlines and other drawing objects do not use log values when the scaling on a chart is changed to semi-log. I noticed this was listed as a bug many years ago, but thought it had been corrected in MCharts. Is there a way to change from linear to semi-log parameters for the drawing objects in a semi log chart?


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Henry MultiСharts
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Aug 26 2014

Hello ffnz,

There is no way to do that at the moment. This improvement has not been targeted to any particular version yet due to the complexity of the required changes.

Posts: 2
Joined: Aug 25 2014

Aug 26 2014

Thank you for your reply Henry. Regarding complexity, wouldn't the drawing objects simply use the log of the values they currently use, while the algorithms for determining each point on the Y axis to be plotted at each point on the X axis (e.g, for lines, ellipses, etc.) would stay the same? Thanks again and sorry to hear it is not available or in the works.