Japanese Yen data

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Mar 31 2006

Japanese Yen data(Futures) has 6 digits after decimal point ,but in the Quote Manager show 5 digits only ......Why??? :roll:

Posts: 150
Joined: Nov 17 2005

Mar 31 2006

Setting the Price scale to 1/1000000 in Quotemanager manually should help you.


Mar 31 2006

Setting the Price scale to 1/1000000 in Quotemanager manually should help you.

Yes, I setting it well.......I mean it show on chart well ,but in QM >edit data>it show 0.00857 on Open,High,low and close ,all the same..!!!
and I try to export data to ASCII, it show 5 digits :roll: .....


Mar 31 2006

is there anyone can help.....

Posts: 150
Joined: Nov 17 2005

Mar 31 2006

Export the Data directly from the Chart to a txt-file using print to file.

You can find additional information by searching the forum or directly in the Easy-Language help.


Mar 31 2006

Export the Data directly from the Chart to a txt-file using print to file.

You can find additional information by searching the forum or directly in the Easy-Language help.

Thanks, My question is the data in QM is still 5 digits after decimal point and export to txt file is the same !!! Is TS Support at home ?

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Mar 31 2006

Thank you very much for pointing this issue out, we'll work on it.
Last edited by Alex Kramer on Mar 31 2006, edited 1 time in total.


Mar 31 2006

Thank you very much for pointing this out, we'll work on it.

The MSRT 3.2 for IB is the same problem too.....