tick sounds

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Aug 07 2006

Is there a way to cause the tick volume to make a sound? A click or something that would give volume flow info might be really annoying or useful to catch attention when volume picks up.


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Stanley Miller
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Aug 07 2006

Just create a custom indicator and use Alert function for sounds. Something like:

if volume > 100 then
Alert( "Volume Picks Up" ) ;


Aug 07 2006

Just create a custom indicator and use Alert function for sounds. Something like:

if volume > 100 then
Alert( "Volume Picks Up" ) ;

Thanks. I don't know how to apply code like that. I was thinking more along the lines of every tick makes a click, the rate would give the aural volume flow. Does the alert show up on the screen? I would prefer not to have that.


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Alex Kramer
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Joined: Feb 23 2006

Aug 07 2006

You'll need to create an indicator - activate the PowerLanguage Editor (the button with a green F in the toolbar), create a new indicator in it, select a name for it, paste the code into the text field and press the F3 button to complile.

The code

if volume > 100 then
Alert( "Volume Picks Up" ) ;

does the following - if the value of the data series surpasses 100, an alert is triggered.

After this the new indicator will be accessible through the Add Study menu - add it to your chart, then right-click the chart background and select Format Studies. In the Alerts tab check Enable Alerts, select and assign a .wav file you'd like to use - find a "click" sound somewhere, and uncheck Visual Alert so the text message is not shown.


Aug 07 2006


Thanks for the directions, it's "beeping" and as I predicted it is annoying, but it is information.

Is it possible to get a seperate sound for up and down volume? A high and low beep or click? What would a script for that look like, now that I know how to paste into the editor...

thanks so much for your response

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Aug 08 2006

You can simply create two separate indicators, i.e. add another one that would read:

if volume < 50 then
Alert( "Volume Drops" ) ;

Create a study just as before (substitute 50 with a value that is meaningful for your case), save it under a different name and apply to the chart the same way; in the alert settings assign a different .wav file to it.