Indicators Missing

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
Posts: 81
Joined: Oct 11 2005

Aug 18 2006

I have been using the latest beta version, and ran into a weird issue upon loading my charts today. When I opened my workspaces I noticed on my charts that all of my Indicators and Signals were gone. I opened the editor and saw that I could only open functions. The Indicator and Signal check boxes were grayed out. I went to the ELSRC folder and luckily all of my source files were still there. To correct this problem I had to do a repair and then open each file and compile it again. Although this was not a real big deal it worries me about future work. Has anyone else experienced this ?

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Aug 18 2006

This issue has been observed before and it's very nagging especially that we're having problems localizing and reproducing it.

We're going to create and release in a few days a special beta version with extended logging that will aid us in undertanding this problem.

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Aug 18 2006


I had the same problem last week. My temporary solution with 588.845 Beta
is: Before i close MC i open the PLeditor and click -> Compile -> All Studies. NNeeds about 30 seconds.
The problem never occurred since.

Maybe you could implement this automatic at shutdown?

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Aug 18 2006

Thanks for the feedback but no, we'd rather find and fix the cause of the problem as this is a beta version.