More Precise text_new command?

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Sep 15 2006

The text_new command uses time on the x-axis but only to the minute. On say a 1 tick chart, how do I resolve the x-axis position to the exact bar?

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Sep 15 2006

You can use text_new_s, it resolves time to the second.

Posts: 89
Joined: Sep 06 2006
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Sep 18 2006

Are you considering a text_new(barnumber ... ) as a superset to EL? I wrote a 1-tick-chart indicator and the ticks often split the second.

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Sep 18 2006

This will be considered, as it makes sense. We'll talk with the PowerLanguage developers about this.