causes of freezing up

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Jun 27 2013

what kinds of things cause the program to stop responding and freeze ?
I cant go more than 2 days testing automated strategies without the program freezing up.
And when it dreezes up, all of the trade performance data is lost.

When it does freeze, is there anyway to workaround and at least save the strategy performance data ?

I am running .net SE version. Dual Core with 8 gb ram

5 workspaces with 6 charts in each. one instrument on all charts. Each chart running an automated strategy.

cqg data with amp futures


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Henry MultiСharts
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Jun 27 2013

Hello Shane,

Are you running 32 bir or 64 bit version of MultiCharts .NET SE ?

Please install Process Explorer ... 96653.aspx
Go to: View->Select columns->Process memory->check "Virtual Size".
Sort the processes by the Virtual memory column. You need to trace the MultiCharts processes virtual memory usage. Attach a screenshot of Process Explorer so that all MultiCharts processes can be seen.

Does the application freeze and stop responding?
If application crashes and you have a window "%Process Name% has generated some errors during previous session" you can click "Save Report" button and specify a location for saving the zip file with logs and dumps.

If "Application error" window appears with Exception or Assert information please click Terminate button and manually collect the logs.

Once you have the logs folder zipped please send it to me for analysis (

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Jun 28 2013


it is 64 bit version.

it freezes and at the top it says not responding . No error or other dialog boxes.
after trying to shut it down with task manager on 2 occassions, after 10 mins the dialog for cqgtrader would come up and say " cqgtrader has stopped responding " , that only happened twice.

do you want a screenshot of process explorer while MC is frozen ? Or when it is running normal?

Also, I do not know what folder the logs are in order to collect them.

Most of the time, I cant even shut frozen mc down with task manager

thank you

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Henry MultiСharts
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Jun 28 2013

Hello Shane,

Please download this zip file and unzip it into a folder on your PC: ...

If the issue is replicated again please do not close MultiCharts or any of its processes. Leave it running and start MCDumperGui.exe from the unzipped folder.
Select your version of MultiCharts in Product for Dumps selector.
Press “Make Dumps” button. This utility will create dumps and logs, pack them into a zip file and open the folder containing the file once the procedure is done.

If this file is >10mb size please upload it to any file sharing hosting and send me the download link, otherwise send it via email directly to me ( and our developers will analyze it.

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Jul 02 2013


mc locked up again, but it when i tried to run the dumpgui, it would not let me, it said "please enable logging and restart mc ".

I could not get to screen shot software to take screenshot of process explorer. Only thing I could do was a dump file from process explorer on the 4 processes that were suspended.

I resumed 4 processes from process explorer, but the cqgtrader would notrestart, it stayed suspended.
So i no longer was getting data, but was able to shut down normally.

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Henry MultiСharts
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Jul 03 2013

Please send me the dump files you have created.
If this file is >10mb size please upload it to any file sharing hosting and send me the download link, otherwise send it via email directly to me ( and our developers will analyze it.

Please unzip the attached file, double click on it and confirm registry value import in order to enable the logs for MultiCharts .Net 64 SE.
(894 Bytes) Downloaded 536 times

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Jul 03 2013

the multicharts.exe dmp file is 1 gb and dropbox would not let me upload it
