Video Instability

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
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May 30 2006

I found the source of what appears to be a Video Instability, with my particular set up.

The problem;
Sometimes a chart is blank or, when clicking between the tabs (which I have set up for individual futures, with 1 to 3 charts in different time frames), chart representations from the last tab overwrite the charts in the new tab. (It's such a hopeless jumble that it doesn't make sense.) In any case, in the past, I minimized / maximized Multicharts, clicked between various tabs, even restarted Multicharts, to get this problem to clear.

The actual problem seems to be related to "Video Size". I have a two 21" monitor setup, with each monitor set to a resolution of 1024 X 768 @ 32 bit color. If Multicharts is on one monitor, there's no problem. If I stretch it out over two monitors (the complete width of the two), the problem rears its ugly head 50% of the time. In basic experimentation, I've found that MC is stable with 1 full monitor and + stretched 1/3 of the way onto the second. If stretched any farther, MC's video becomes unstable.

BTW; I have an Nvidia GeForce 6200, 128MB, with a dual head. (I'm also running Nvidia's "Nveiw" Desktop manager software, for multiple monitors, Ver 110.14.) The PC itself is a AMD Athlon 2.2 Gig with 1.00GB Ram, XP Pro Ver 2002, Service Pack 2.

This is a heads up only. Since this problem appears to be related to Multicharts screen “size”, I plan to explore color palate and resolution combinations to see if there is any impact.


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May 30 2006

Dropping to a 16 bit color pallet solved the problem, with all symptoms abating.

While this is something of a relief to me (that this box can carry out its intended purpose), it's also a disappoint in that, on occasion, I use the machine for other purposes that benefit from a high color pallet.

Curiously, Multicharts 1.8 did not seem to have this problem. (Note previous posts complaining about this issue.) While I would like to see this (high video memory utilization) fixed in Ver 1.9, at least I can live with it.

In any case,, thanks for an outstanding piece of software. :-)

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Alex Kramer
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Joined: Feb 23 2006

May 31 2006

We are aware that stretching a single MultiCharts window across two monitors can potentially cause video problems. The rendering engine we're currently using is not taking advantage of the newest graphic card features so we do not recommend spreading MC over two screens.

I understand your concern and will ask the developers team what can be done, your feedback will be most appreciated.

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Jun 02 2006

I'm having similar problems, but 'am running MC on a laptop with a single screen. This wasn't a problem on the old laptop.

Video card is a ATI Radeon X1600 256MB and a Core Duo processor.

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Alex Kramer
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Joined: Feb 23 2006

Jun 05 2006

Dear users of MultiCharts having problems with video!

Please give us a call if possible, we're very interested in watchign those problems in remote connection.

Please call us at 888-817-6385 Monday-Friday from 6:30am till 2:00pm ET. We'll use remote desktop connection to research and fix your issue.

Before that please go to, download the HelpDesk program, save it to your desktop and run it when we start the phone conversation. Double-click directly on the “Internet support” inscription.

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Location: US

Jun 12 2006

I'm having similar problems, but 'am running MC on a laptop with a single screen. This wasn't a problem on the old laptop.

Video card is a ATI Radeon X1600 256MB and a Core Duo processor.

While you have more than enough video ram for 1 screen;

My problem seemed to stem from running high color (32 bit). Maybe that's the key.

Just for Grins,, try dropping to a 16 bit pallet and see if it fixes the problem. (Like it did for me.)

BTW: That must be a nice Laptop. :-)


For you TS guys. I have a few days off this week. I'll call in around 08:00AM EST, in the next day or two.

Thanks again.