Print File Function

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Posts: 13
Joined: Jun 06 2006

Jun 08 2006


does anybody know if I can do this with the print file function

print(file("c:\test.txt"),"testing 123");

do something

print(file("c:\test.txt"),"testing 456");

do something

print(file("c:\test.txt"),"testing 789");

Basically this will out a test.txt. I do not want the line to be appended.

what I want is basically 1 line for each function that it have perform without appending the file.

I try to use a filedelete function but it doesnt work as the file is being open so it cannot be deleted.

Any advise is much appreciated.

Thank you

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Jun 09 2006

You might want to consider the FileAppend function.

I'm pasting here the description of that reserved word:


Sends information to the indicated existing ASCII file and adds the information to the bottom of the file.

FileAppend("str_Filename", "str_Text") ;

With str_Filename - an alphanumeric string indicating the path and file name for the existing ASCII text file in quotes and str_Text is the string expression to be appended to the bottom of the file.

If the indicated file does not exist, it will be created. Before numeric expressions can be sent for adding, they must be converted to string format using the NumToStr function.


To send date to an ASCII file in case the symbol has a 10% or more gap down on the open,:

If Open < High[1] * 1.1 Then
FileAppend("c:\GapDown.txt", "Symbol gapped down on " + NumToStr(Date, 0) +


Jun 10 2006

You might want to consider the FileAppend function.

I'm pasting here the description of that reserved word:


Sends information to the indicated existing ASCII file and adds the information to the bottom of the file.

FileAppend("str_Filename", "str_Text") ;

With str_Filename - an alphanumeric string indicating the path and file name for the existing ASCII text file in quotes and str_Text is the string expression to be appended to the bottom of the file.

If the indicated file does not exist, it will be created. Before numeric expressions can be sent for adding, they must be converted to string format using the NumToStr function.


To send date to an ASCII file in case the symbol has a 10% or more gap down on the open,:

If Open < High[1] * 1.1 Then
FileAppend("c:\GapDown.txt", "Symbol gapped down on " + NumToStr(Date, 0) +
hi Alex,

thanks for the information as I am using some robot to execute the signal based on the text file and it only understand the first line of information. Instead of appending to the bottom of the text, is there a way to insert the text to the first line??

thank you