Syncronising multicharts on different PC's  [SOLVED]

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Jul 17 2006


Im getting ready to go traveling and want to copy MC to my laptop. I have installed MC on the laptop and copied the contents of \program files\tssuport from my desktop -> laptop. It still looks like a new install. What files must I copy to get workspaces indicators database etc.

As an aside can I connect MC to a TWS one a remote computer?


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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Jul 17 2006

Here's a list of items that you will need to copy then backing up or migrating MultiCharts to a different computer.

The databases including QuoteManager settings are stored in

\Program Files\Common Files\TS Support\Databases\
There are 3 files in .GDB format

The workspaces are kept wherever you've saved the .wsp, i.e. in My Documents or the program folder etc.

Use PLEditor to export all the relevant studies to a .xml file and then reimport it.


The study templates are stored in

\Documents and Settings\ " YOUR USER NAME " \Application Data\TS Support\MultiCharts
Template files are in .tml format


Jul 22 2006


This all works well. One other thing... where are chart templates held...I seem to be missing them.

Finaly I guess its not possible to save default study values (for paramaters and settings)?


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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Jul 24 2006

Yes, this can get complicated; to find where exactly the templates are, in the Windows Start menu select Run and type in:


Click Ok - you'll be taken to the folder that stores the data of the current system user.
Look in the in the Application Data folder for subfolders \TS Support\MultiCharts
Template files are in .tml format

The study values are saved together with the workspace; when applied to a chart for the first time, the study has the default values.