Plot index error.....

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
Posts: 10
Joined: Feb 07 2006

Aug 13 2006

Dear TS support,
from about a week I start to receive a strange error.
When i open the workspace and It finish to load the indicator i receive the rror. The indicator became "OFF" bt is still present in the list.
I remove the indicator from PL editr and reimport it and all works fine.
But this work only for the day i reimport the study, the day after I receive again the same error......what I can said is that the reference number in the error "wrong plot number: xx" change every time.

What can be ?

We are a group of friends that use the same indicator but only me receive this error.

Thank you
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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Aug 14 2006

We've been receiving similar complaints before but weren't able to pinpoint the problem still; can you contact us using Live Support chat or the phone?
You can find the links and instructions at Then we will use HelpDesk for a direct look at your issue.