Unable to insert signals

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Aug 16 2006

I installed the beta version and it worked fine for some days , but today it crashed .
i was compiling some signals in PL with MC opened , and both crashed :
I restarted the PC and launched again MC but from this time the Signal that was in the workspace crashed everytime and also there was no possibility to insert another signal , also iin a new workspace.

I sent You also the error report file

let me know plz

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Stanley Miller
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Aug 16 2006

Could you please post here or send us the code of the strategy which caused the crash and all the corresponding problems?


Aug 16 2006

It's impossible to insert any signal ; every time i try to insert a signal I receive the same error and generate an error report that i sent you today ;

it's not a problem of a strategy because all the strategies I go to insert are compiled


Aug 16 2006

I can not insert any attachment here because in the window appear a message that I have reached the maximum number of 5MB uploaded...............how must I do to send an attachment ???

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Stanley Miller
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Aug 16 2006

Please register on the forum.

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Aug 16 2006

here the message I receive everytime i go to insert a signal
(647.68 KiB) Downloaded 1271 times

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Stanley Miller
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Aug 17 2006

Could you please give us that signal, we can't reproduce your problem without this information. Thanks.

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Aug 17 2006

The problem is not with a signal but with ALL the signals ; I tried to insert much more than one signal but I always receive the same error .

I attach the bug report I sent to Support

I now reinstalled MC but the situation has not changed !!

I will go to remove again MC .......
Bug9.tmp_16.08.2006 - 16.32.321.zip
(25.51 KiB) Downloaded 311 times

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Stanley Miller
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Aug 17 2006

What do you mean by insert signal: import to the PLEditor, compile, apply on the chart or something else?

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Aug 17 2006

The problem has been solved : I uninstalled MC and also removed the folder of the PL . After reinstalled MC , reimported all Signals and recompiled again them and now it works fine .
The problem is not in the compile because all the signals I tried to insert were before correctly compiled; they were inserted in the charts and only after inserted they did not work and caused the error .

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Stanley Miller
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Aug 17 2006

Thank you for the additional information. Please let us know if you see this problem in the future.