Remove Symbols from the Format Symbols drop down box

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Oct 09 2006


We are getting on to minor stuff now :-) On the drop down list on format symbols it would be great to be able to remove symbols you didn't want to show there. Mine is full of expired contracts making it harder to find the symbol I want. I know its a picky little thing.

Maybe hitting delete while the cursor is in the drop down list should delete the item rather than clear the box at the top of the list.


EDIT maybe a Suggestion rather than a bug to be honest.

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Oct 10 2006

This drop-down box contains the 10 latest used symbols from the current data source, in alphabetic order. As a new symbol is charted, it takes place in the list according to its name, pushing it down so the previously 10th item is cleared.

So far we're keeping this logic as we find it convenient for operations with commonly used symbols. If the symbol expires and is no longer charted, it will be cleared from the list as new symbols take place in it.