Closing special workspaces causes hanging/freezing ...

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Oct 09 2006

closing special workspaces is buggy.

most times i see an error msg which displays "server is busy" or even "chart windows improperly closed..."-when i have some luck it disappears and i can "try" to close the next workspace ...

if however i have no luck then MC hangs forever .

with special workspaces i mean those ones where a chart window (or two..) is/are minimized. only there i have that error continously what doesnt mean that sometimes the error shows up also on other workspaces ....

next bug is that when i open the workspace in which some chartwindows are minimized - then MC has problems with the minimized ones - when i want to display them - it is displayed somewhere never saved to - for example in the bottom of the workspace but so that you nearly cant see it anymore !

would be great to see that fixed cause its happening every day and im getting bored :wink:

besides that i have the impression that MC is growing up in terms of stability
thanks for keeping up the great work!

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Alex Kramer
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Oct 10 2006

A question first of all - what version of Multicharts are you using?

If this problem persists in the latest beta ( ... 4.1126.exe) then please send those workspaces to us for a closer look.

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Oct 10 2006

its the 1.90.588.845Beta

OK - i will "try" the newest one and post the feedback here ..

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Oct 11 2006

its the 1.90.588.845Beta

OK - i will "try" the newest one and post the feedback here ..
I've always experienced this type of problem regardless of the version of MC and I have a high spec. PC....

How many symbols do you have in QM? That's a major factor in my problems. Other tan that MC seems to move data very slowly in memory. There seem to be bottlenecks though my evidence is anecdotal - watching memory utilization in the process table.

One day I may end up being creditted with helping the guys here scale their product;0)


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Alex Kramer
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Oct 12 2006

Neutrino - Please send us an example of such a workspace where this occurs, we'll take a look.

fundjunkie - you're already praised, your input is most welcome :)

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Oct 12 2006

Neutrino - Please send us an example of such a workspace where this occurs, we'll take a look.
Hi Alex !

i am currently testing the newest beta and as it seems the "server is busy error" is gone !
the problem with the minimized chartwindows is still there - but i have found out that no matter which workspace i use this bug is always there:

try it yourself:
1.lets say you have 7 charts on the workspace. open 4 of them and arrange them so that you see those 4 charts fully on screen.

3. then you just have to see that the other 3 charts are minimized to the bottom...

4.close the workspace with F4 click save ...

5. when you open the workspace now - then you try to open the 3 minimized charts - when you open them they open up in a position which ISNT THE POSITION YOU SAVED ! they open up in the bottom where you nearly cant see them anymore.

however if you wish i can send you the workspaces but like i said its happening in every workspace - it seems its a small bug ..
more important is/was the other bug which is not happening anymore on my system :D :D

@fundjunkie - thanks for stepping in here an adding comments - i have only 40 symbols in QM - just futures and forex - nothing more so that from there i should not have any memory lag problems - however that didnt help me in case of "server buy" error...

maybe the memory should be a faster one lets say with CL2 timings if you run ddr ram... i got some faster ones and have the impression it works somehow better now (but who knows ...maybe wishfull thinking ;) )
heres a page for the faster RAM:

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Oct 12 2006

Neutrino - Please send us an example of such a workspace where this occurs, we'll take a look.
@fundjunkie - thanks for stepping in here an adding comments - i have only 40 symbols in QM - just futures and forex - nothing more so that from there i should not have any memory lag problems - however that didnt help me in case of "server buy" error...

maybe the memory should be a faster one lets say with CL2 timings if you run ddr ram... i got some faster ones and have the impression it works somehow better now (but who knows ...maybe wishfull thinking ;) )
heres a page for the faster RAM:
Neutrino - I'd say your memory has more than enough bandwidth to handle anything multicharts can throw at it. CAS Latencies and other timings are important only at the margin and will make no difference in this case - though feel free to optimize..might give you some extra fps in HL2 or suchlike;)

That said, big is best so a Gig or more will help you out I'd expect. IMO, the issue here is the memory/data management of the application, above and beyond that provisioned by the OS, bios and physical memory architecture. Can;t say any more as I'm not a developer and don't know about the innards of this app...

I'm still getting the server errors you say are fixed. So, IMO, the issues causing the lockout (that's what it is) are still there. You're just not sressing the application enough to see it. That said, I've noticed performance improvements and expect alot more to come (though I'm not shouting too much about it - I'm a reasonable guy;).

Regarding your workspaces, seeing as you've been experiencign the same type of problems as me then I'm not surprised at all if every workspace is, in effect, screwed. Let's say you have all WSes open and the server goes haywire and the application dies. If a state problem causes one WS to become corrupt then all may likely do the same as they interact with the same service that may have caused the problem, as it died.

In fact, several months ago I had a similar problem where, if I minimized a window, I couldn't reopen it. It would jyst disappear! So count yourself lucky there. I had to recreate my workspaces and I suspect you'll have to do the same. In the meantime send the support guys your worksapces, if you haven't already done so, and see what they make of it.


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Oct 12 2006

I'm still getting the server errors you say are fixed. So, IMO, the issues causing the lockout (that's what it is) are still there. You're just not sressing the application enough to see it. That said, I've noticed performance improvements and expect alot more to come (though I'm not shouting too much about it - I'm a reasonable guy;).
Hi fundjunkie !
1. i had the server errors for a really really long time - and all i can say about them is that it hasnt to do much with stressing the system or even quotemanager itself...-thats my experience with that errors of course -
and believe me im able to stress the application too 8)

for example that error happend no matter how much workspaces were in use ...if 3 or even much more wasnt important on my system...

however i never have opened more than 15 workspaces together and my memory used by the OS(W2KSP4) is ~700MBs ..

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Oct 13 2006

closing special workspaces is buggy.


next bug is that when i open the workspace in which some chartwindows are minimized - then MC has problems with the minimized ones - when i want to display them - it is displayed somewhere never saved to - for example in the bottom of the workspace but so that you nearly cant see it anymore !
This is something that I (and others) have reported. A known bugs list would prevent testers from wasting time as Neutrino has here. Ive started the job in my 'irritating bugs' thread. Though these things might be concidered minor they are really anoying because a user comes up against them time and time again.

This release is a great step forward :mrgreen: congratulations :mrgreen: but personally I would really like to see a lot of the your effort reamain on sqishing bugs. First impressions are very important when a potential new customer fires up MC, as it is now they will bump into some of these bugs.
