PL Runtime Errors/Debugging

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Oct 14 2006

Hi Multicharts guys,
I'm using the Beta and trying to convert my TS code to work with MC.
While generally everything seems to be working well, I am having lots of runtime errors which stem from differences between TS/MC.

My main headache so to speak is code that is dependant on ADE/EL Collections which seems to work a bit differently in MC. I'm getting all kinds of runtime errors from the ELCollections.DLL.

The dialog box used by MC is not very informative (I say that neither the TS one is informative at all), it mainly says: "Error occurred in ELCollections.dll"

The only way to debug these errors is to start commenting the code ntil it works and that way to pin point the bug.

Is there a chance we could see better error messages (namely function + line numbers) from the PL runtime?

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Stanley Miller
Posts: 556
Joined: Jul 26 2005
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Oct 15 2006

Unfortunately we are not able to determine which line of dll generates an error. As to the described problem, it would be very helpful if you post here your version of ELCollections.DLL and a sample code which generates the error. We'll check why it works differently.