Can I Start MC without any charts?

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Oct 23 2006

Is there anyway of firing MC some command line switch for not loading any charts/workspaces?


Oct 23 2006

you can set this under

file -> preferences -> workspaces

to your liking.

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Oct 23 2006

That's not what I meant...

What I meant, is if I have some sort of a problematic setup that takes hours to load, I would like to have some sort of a /safe switch that I could use from commandline...

For example, outlook, excel and other office applications have a "/safe" that loads the application sans-addins etc.

That same sort of idea would also be usefull for MC with regards to charting/workspaces....

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Alex Kramer
Posts: 834
Joined: Feb 23 2006

Oct 23 2006

There's a registry setting that can be used - I understand this is less convenient than command line, but it's already there.

In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TS Support\MultiCharts\Preferences the key ShowOnStartUp should be set to 0 value.

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Oct 23 2006

That's Perfect!
Thanks once again Alex and MC team!