Please HELP me Recover 'lost' templates after MC Crash

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
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Nov 14 2006

HELP Recover from MC hangup-lockup; forced power-off only way to re-start; then various attempts to get everything working again, but gave up and did the MC "Repair" re-install thing. I saw message during 'repair' that the user-files were being saved, BUT where are they?!! I now have no template ".tml" files anymore, and none of my previously compiled functions and studies are compliled. Now all of my workspaces can be opened, BUT there are no indicators plotted, just only the symbol's data. I have lost several hours of prep work setting up all of those 10 workspaces and many dozens of charts! So where are the templates? This whole thing should NEVER had happened, of course, but I understand it is hard to make it all 'bullet proof', but I am really unhappy :cry: This whole thing started with my doing nothing more than the 'normal' thing of changing some properties on a plot containing two data-series of same symbol. I superimposed on same plot. First a 1hr data, AND then a 10 minute data of same symbol. Many indicators were based on the 1hr data. I was changing the 10 min properties when the dialog box got up completely! Then NOTHING else could be done after that except to turn off the computer power..... and now I have to re-build all of the dozens of charts from scratch?! )(*&)(&%&%$ :x So can you offer any help now with finding the missing templates? :?

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Alex Kramer
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Nov 14 2006

First of all, what was the version of MultiCharts where this happened? We need more information to try reproducing and resolving this problem.

As to rescuing your templates:

The templates should be in the following location - in the Windows Start menu select Run and type in:


Click Ok - you'll be taken to the folder that stores the data of the current system user.
Look in the in the Application Data folder for subfolders \TS Support\MultiCharts
Template files are in .tml format - please check if you can find them.

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Nov 14 2006

First of all, what was the version of MultiCharts where this happened? We need more information to try reproducing and resolving this problem.
My version is latest, I believe: 1.90.644.1126 Beta

Thanks, I found the template files and copied them back to the C:\Program Files\TS Support\MultiCharts folder, which is where they go, right? Why doesn't the 'repair' process do this automatically? Especially, since it did not ever indicate where these files could be found :wink:

We really need a 'failsafe' procedure to 'backup and restore' after any MC crash :) . Do you have any suggestion of what should be done by user to assure this? Is there any chance that MC will have a built-in (automatic) function for this?

BTW, while we're talking about templates, I would like to mention that the templates Save/Apply functions also include a Replace(existing) function too. Otherwise, I have to manually remove *every* study, one-by-one, just to 'apply' a 'new' configuration of studies. Also, the method of naming the template file is VERY confusing, and combersome. A much better example for the programmer to model for all of the template design is the way that TS does it :wink:

Thanks again for getting me pointed to the 'missing' template files.

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Alex Kramer
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Nov 14 2006

Thanks, I found the template files and copied them back to the C:\Program Files\TS Support\MultiCharts folder, which is where they go, right? Why doesn't the 'repair' process do this automatically? Especially, since it did not ever indicate where these files could be found Wink
No, this is the original location of the template files where they're created and stored by default.
An automated single-click backup procedure is in our "ToDo" list; I'll mention your input on optimizing template management to the developers, thank you!

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Alex Kramer
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Nov 14 2006

If the studies are missing from charts and/or cannot be applied as they're not found in the Insert Study menu, this means the studies file has been corrupted and the application must be reinstalled. To avoid possible issues with lingering files, please follow those steps:

If your existing version of MultiCharts crashed, froze or otherwise did not close properly, make sure no processes are left lingering in the system. For simplicity, it would be better to begin uninstalling after rebooting the system.
Use the Control Panel->Add/Remove programs to uninstall the existing version.
Select to keep existing databases when prompted to keep or delete them.
After uninstall completes, make sure no files are left in folders:
\Program Files\TS Support\MultiCharts
\Program Files\Common Files\TS Support \PLEditor

Then reinstall MultiCharts