ASCII Mapping Not Live?

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
Posts: 64
Joined: Mar 16 2007

Jun 02 2007

Am I correct in thinking that ASCII mapping of data isn't done on a live basis. ie. when the file is updated MC doesn't do any automatic refreshing?

Also, it would appear, you can't do a manual refresh either. You have to re-open the chart?


Posts: 64
Joined: Mar 16 2007

Jun 02 2007

I guess so.

It would be nice if there was some sort of feature which could add to the data once it's detected that the file has been extended.

For those programmers out there who want to do their own data manipulations.

Anyone know of another way of getting homebrew data into MC?

Posts: 64
Joined: Mar 16 2007

Jun 03 2007

Interesting. While I was playing around with the mapped ASCII data (and this is on the new beta version), MC totally messed up all my charts in my open workspaces and then crashed! We're talking spectacular crash here where it also forced windows to shutdown with a count down timer. Unfortunately it happened so quickly I could note it all down. But it mentioned QuoteManager had problems with RPC.

When restarting MC all my workspaces were messed up. Most of the charts had window borders but nothing inside them. These were all on regular data, not mapped ASCII which I only had on one chart. In the end I had to delete the workspaces and recreate them! :(

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Joined: Dec 08 2006

Jun 07 2007

Am I correct in thinking that ASCII mapping of data isn't done on a live basis. ie. when the file is updated MC doesn't do any automatic refreshing?
When a mapped file is updated MultiCharts refreshes data automatically only if 1-minute, N-minute or 1-day resolutions are used. If N-tick, N-volume bars, weekly, monthly and yearly resolutions are used, data won't be refreshed on the charts without reopening.