Projected Trendline positions reset back to current day

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
Allan Pang
Posts: 7
Joined: Aug 25 2007

Dec 11 2007


To project trendlines into the future on my chart I increase the setting for space to the right until there is the right amount of white space.

I notice that when I project the trendline beyond the current day and save the workspace, when I re-open it the entire trendline is pushed back to the current day.

How can I retain my trendlines projected into the future?


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Marina Pashkova
Posts: 2758
Joined: Jul 27 2007

Dec 12 2007

Dear Allan,

I haven't been able to reproduce the behaviour you're describing. Could you please send a workspace and two screenshots (before and after) to

Thank you.

Best regards.