Generate Minute/Day bar from tick resolution

Questions about MultiCharts .NET and user contributed studies.
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Joined: Dec 11 2014

Dec 11 2014

hello everyone,

This is my first post on this forum. I'm completely new to but I have some experience in c# dev. I also use NT for 6 years now.

Yesterday I imported more than 20years of historical data (tick resolution) for a single instrument ( using ASCII file - 25go, takes me 6hours to import the file ).
The thing is when I want to generate a chart even for 365 days backs, it takes a lot of time each time I load the chart. (approx. 4-5mn for 50 bars, and 15mn for a year).

Is there a way to generate and save the bars once for all, before loading a chart ? In NT, when you load a chart for a recently imported instrument for the first time, it will generate automatically the bars in the specified time frame.
I searched in this forum, wiki and FAQ but I never saw a mention concerning this problem.

Backtest are even worse because it crash before finishing (waiting for more than 20min and crashed - excess ram usage 10go.

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Henry MultiСharts
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Dec 12 2014

Hello cdrfgt,

There are three base data resolutions in MultiCharts: 1 tick, 1 minute, 1 day.
You can use your tick data to plot 1 minute and 1 day charts when you are using ASCII mapping data source, then export the data from the chart into ASCII file (File->Export data). After that is done - import the data from the file into the same instrument.