DecisionBar, MC and IB TWS

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
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Joined: Feb 21 2006

Feb 21 2006


Is it possible to use the Forex feed (IdealPro)from IB TWS and plot the Risk indicators from DecisionBar in Multicharts?

Anybody using the above configuration?

Any happy users of DecisionBar in this forum, please post your opinion on
this addon and Forex.

I'm about to order 1 month trial of MC and DecisionBar, but would like to know what other users think about this software.

Best Regards

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Stanley Miller
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Feb 22 2006

Dear Chris,

Many Forex traders use DecisionBar and MultCharts supports IB data including IdealPro. Also note that we will soon release MCFX. This is a special version of MultiCharts designed just for forex which has its own integrated datafeed at no extra cost. The DecisionBar indicators are available for this platform, and DecisionBar has a new risk oscillator designed especially for forex. I think the first release of the platform should be in about a week, and it would probably suit your needs without worrying about data compatibility.

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Feb 22 2006

Dear Stanley,

Thanks for your reply!

I have allready ordered the trial and hope to receive it soon!

About MCFX - will it be any differences between MC and MCFX besides the data feed options?

Best Regards

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Stanley Miller
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Feb 22 2006

Dear Chris,

MCFX is a lightweight, compact, fast and easy to use version of MultiCharts intended specially for Forex. It has an integrated data feed, requires no configuration or studying additional manuals before starting work.

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Feb 22 2006

Dear Stanley,

Will it be possible to import open code ELS/ELD and DLL protected ELS/ELD studies in MCFX ?

Is it possible to import DLL protected ELS/ELD studies in MC now in current version?

Best Regards

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Stanley Miller
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Feb 22 2006

Dear Chris,

Right now the software don't support import of the protected studies, we are working on it.