ask yourself this real time question...
what happens if the bar started out as an inside bar ...
but expanded to be a higher high bar by the end of the bar?
Maybe 95% of all bars start as inside bars and then they expand up or down.
So those 95% would always start as... blue, and then as soon as the previous high or low is broken, the blue would be replaced by green or red.
When the previous high or low is broken you cannot change the fact that it has been broken.
The close of the bar has nothing to do with the reading.
As soon as this ticks crosses the previous tick upwards, that is a done deal, that is the signal to change colours. I don't care if the next tick is lower or if the last tick of the bar is even lower.
That is my "real time" reading, my human thinking.
I know that computers think differently, and that has been my Achilles' heel when dealing with coding.