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Portfolio OpenPositionProfit

From MultiCharts

Returns a numerical value, indicating the current combined profit or loss for all open positions within a portfolio.




  • This function can only be used in signals intended to be used with the Portfolio Trader.
  • The value is returned in the currency specified in Portfolio Trader: Portfolio Settings -> Base Currency.
  • Use Portfolio GrossLoss, Portfolio GrossProfit or Portfolio NetProfit to get the total gross loss, gross profit and net profit for all completed trades for the whole portfolio during the whole trading period.


  • Will return a value of 0 if there are currently no open positions within a portfolio.
  • Will return a value of 100 if the combined value of all open positions within a portfolio has increased by ¤100 since the positions were entered.
  • Will return a value of -50 if the combined value of all open positions within a portfolio has decreased by ¤50 since the positions were entered.