Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

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Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby RWDickinson » 26 Dec 2013

Error message appears when I activate a particular compiled study. There is data in the price chart that this study references.
I have no idea what this error message is trying to tell me. Can someone translate for me, so that I can try to fix the problem?

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby sptrader » 26 Dec 2013

If you post the study code, maybe we can spot the problem.

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Henry MultiСharts
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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 27 Dec 2013

RWDickinson, please specify the study you are using. If that is not a prebuilt study - please provide the code you are using. Please also attach the workspace you are using.

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby RWDickinson » 27 Dec 2013

So I take it nobody is able to tell me what the error message means.

The study is my own code, and somewhat long. I'll copy it in full, since I have no way of determining in what portion the supposed error occurs (and since I can only attach one file).

---------------- code --------------------
{creates a set of arrows with accompanying text, top and bottom
of screen at right of last bar, for controlling Wilder-like parabolic
stops: one up, one down.

Down (True), //convenience value for arrow direction
Up (False), //convenience value for arrow direction
Cen (2), //convenience value for horiz/vert center text
Rit(0), //convenience value for right align text
Lft (1), //convenience value for left align text
Blw (0), //convenience value for align text below
Abv (1), //convenience value for align text above
GoTextId (0), // go text recreated on each recalc
DnColor(0), // color of down arrow and plot
UpColor(0), // color of up arrow and plot
ReCalcPersist ArrowUpId (0), // up arrow stays where put within graph upon recalc
ReCalcPersist ArrowDnId (0), // dn arrow stays where put within graph upon recalc

if barNumber = 1 then begin
UpColor = GetPlotColor(101);
DnColor = GetPlotColor(102);
end; // bar 1
if LastBarOnChart_s then begin
// create and place controls if needed
if GoTextId = 0 then begin
// GoText gets (re)created on each recalc
GoTextId = Text_New_bn(BarNumber+2,RD_ScreenVPos(GoTextVLoc),"v^Go");
if ArrowDnId = 0 then begin
// down arrow stays where put within graph
ArrowDnId = Arw_New_bn(BarNumber+2,RD_ScreenVPos(DnArrowVLoc),Down);
Arw_SetStyle(ArrowDnId,7); //chevron style
if ArrowUpId = 0 then begin
// up arrow stays where put within graph
ArrowUpId = Arw_New_bn(BarNumber+2,RD_ScreenVPos(UpArrowVLoc),Up);
Arw_SetStyle(ArrowUpId,7); //chevron style
// 'Go' text should stay at rightmost bar +2
If Text_GetBarNumber(GoTextId) < BarNumber+2 then begin
// Text has drifted to left
// up arrow should stay at rightmost bar +2 (if not within graph)
if Arw_GetBarNumber(ArrowUpId) > BarNumber
and Arw_GetBarNumber(ArrowUpId) <> BarNumber + 2
then begin
ArrowUpId = Arw_new_bn(BarNumber+2,RD_ScreenVpos(UpArrowVLoc),Up);
// dn arrow should stay at rightmost bar +2 (if not within graph)
if Arw_GetBarNumber(ArrowDnId) > BarNumber
and Arw_GetBarNumber(ArrowDnId) <> BarNumber+2
then begin
ArrowDnId = Arw_New_bn(BarNumber+2,RD_ScreenVPos(DnArrowVLoc),Down);
Arw_SetStyle(ArrowDnId,7); //chevron style

// check whether the 'Go' text is selected
if MC_Text_GetActive = GoTextId and
(Arw_GetBarNumber(ArrowUpId) <= BarNumber
or Arw_GetBarNumber(ArrowDnId) <= BarNumber
then begin
// if so, delete the 'go' text and recalc
GoTextId = 0;
end; {lastBarOnChart}

// do the plot
uppstop_this (0),
uppstop_next (0),
dnpstop_this (0),
dnpstop_next (0),
IntraBarPersist plotted (False);

if barnumber = 1 then begin
if not plotted then begin
// plotting occurs at the first tick of each bar
uppstop_this = uppstop_next[1];
If uppstop_this <> 0 then begin
plot101(uppstop_this, "UpStop");
end else begin
dnpstop_this = dnpstop_next[1];
if dnpstop_this <> 0 then begin
plot102(dnpstop_this, "DnStop");
end else begin
plotted = True;
end; {plotted}

// calc new value(s) for pstop(s)
upstrtd (-1), {-1 before, 0 during, +1 after the plot}
uphighest (0),
upalpha (0),
dnstrtd (-1), {-1 before, 0 during, +1 after the plot}
dnlowest (0),
dnalpha (0);

if barStatus = 2 then begin
// calc pstop_next at the end of every bar
plotted = False;
If upstrtd = -1 and
Arw_GetBarNumber(arrowUpId) = barNumber
then begin
{initial bar. calc beginning values}
upstrtd += 1;
uphighest = high;
upalpha = aMin;
uppstop_next = low-upAllow;
end else if upstrtd = 0 then begin
{calc next value in sequence}
if low <= uppstop_next[1] then begin
{we_ve hit the stop. end of indicator.}
upstrtd += 1;
uppstop_next = 0;
end else begin
{haven_t yet hit stop, direc is up}
upMoveX = uphighest - uppstop_next[1];
uppstop_next = uppstop_next[1] + upalpha*upMoveX;
upclosest = low;
if low[1] < low then upclosest = low[1];
if uppstop_next > upclosest then uppstop_next = upclosest;
if high > uphighest then begin
uphighest = high;
upalpha = upalpha + upaAccel;
if upalpha > aMax then upalpha = aMax;
end; {low cmp pstop}
if dnstrtd = -1 and
Arw_GetBarNumber(arrowDnId) = BarNumber
then begin
{calc beginning values}
upstrtd += 1;
uphighest = high;
upalpha = aMin;
dnpstop_next = high+dnAllow;
end else if dnstrtd = 0 then begin
{calc next value in sequence}
if high >= dnpstop_next[1] then begin
{we_ve hit the stop. end of indicator.}
dnstrtd += 1;
dnpstop_next = 0;
end else begin
{haven_t yet hit stop, direc is down}
dnMoveX = dnpstop_next[1] - dnlowest;
dnpstop_next = dnpstop_next[1] - dnalpha*dnMoveX;
dnclosest = high;
if high[1] > high then dnclosest = high[1];
if dnpstop_next < dnclosest then dnpstop_next = dnclosest;
if low < dnlowest then begin
dnlowest = low;
dnalpha = dnalpha + dnaAccel;
if dnalpha > aMax then dnalpha = aMax;
end; {high cmp pstop}
end; {strtd status}
end; {barStatus}
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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 27 Dec 2013

So I take it nobody is able to tell me what the error message means.
The error message means that your study requests a detaseries number/index that does not exist on your chart (you can check it in the Format->Instruments tab).

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby RWDickinson » 30 Dec 2013

your study requests a detaseries number/index that does not exist on your chart
Well, the keyword "data" (as in data2) does not appear in the study. Is there another way to "request" a data series?

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 30 Dec 2013

RWDickinson, please post the code of the RD_ScreenVPos function.

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby RWDickinson » 31 Dec 2013

RWDickinson, please post the code of the RD_ScreenVPos function.
yep, here.

------------ code ------------
{RD_ScreenVPos returns a price value that lies at the given
%age of screen vertical space. i.e. 0% lies at bottom of
screen, 100% lies at top of Screen
Percentage(NumericSimple); //0-100
high1 (0),
low1 (0);

high1 = GetAppInfo(aiHighestDispValue);
low1 = GetAppInfo(aiLowestDispValue);
RD_ScreenVPos = (high1 - low1)*Percentage/100 + low1;

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 02 Jan 2014

This case has been forwarded to our engineers. We will contact you once there are any updates.

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby ABC » 03 Jan 2014

I ran into a similar error message using TL_New_Bn and later trying to move the TL using TL_SetEnd_Bn. As RWDickinson you are Arw_new_bn this issue might be related.

I was able to cure the issue by checking that the TL ID is larger than zero before moving it.

Code: Select all

TLID= TL_New_Bn...
if TLID > 0 then
Without checking for TLID > 0 the error "Study is missing Data -1" pops up. With the check the study works fine.

Maybe this helps you in fixing your study or it helps MC in tracking down the issue.


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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby RWDickinson » 06 Jan 2014

Maybe this helps you in fixing your study or it helps MC in tracking down the issue.
Thanks for the tip.
I just tried "if ...Id = 0 ..... Print("Error message");" for each of my elements. Still get MC error as above, and did not get my error message in the output window. Do we know whether user-printed messages always appear in the output if they are immediately followed by a MC error?

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 09 Jan 2014

The text of the error message is incorrect. We will fix it in MultiCharts 9.0 beta 1.
This message appears when the first parameter for tl_setbegin_bn is "-1". Checking that ID > 0 is not the correct way of working it around. You need to ensure the drawing with the required ID exists (TL_Exist()) to avoid the error.

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby RWDickinson » 10 Jan 2014

Well, I'm not using TL (that was ABC who thought there might be a connection), but I take it this applies to my use of Arw and Text, also. I'll check it out.

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby RWDickinson » 10 Jan 2014

TL_Exist(), Arw_Exist(), Text_Exist() do not exist (in the help screens).
I'll try them anyway.

Text_Exist() does exist (study compiles)
Arw_Exist() does not exist (study does not compile)

So I'm still using ...Id <> 0 for arrows.

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby Henry MultiСharts » 13 Jan 2014

RWDickinson, unfortunately there is no Arrow_Exist at the moment. We will add it in one of the future versions. As a workaround you can check the existence of the arrow drawing using the following code:

Code: Select all

If (arw_getcolor(ID) >= 0) then begin

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Re: Study is missing Data -1. Please set up your chart data.

Postby RWDickinson » 23 Jan 2014

Well, I've given up (as with several other problems w/ MC). Sometimes I get the error message, sometimes the code runs and symbols show up momentarily then disappear, sometimes the code runs but no symbols appear at all.

I did find on a previous problem that text drawn on the last bar on chart will disappear as soon as next tick arrives, so it has to be deleted and recreated on each tick. Maybe that's my problem. But, as I say, I've given up.

Thanks for the answer to my original question. At least that question is solved.

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