script processing time

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script processing time

Postby ts2mc » 14 Jul 2009

i'd like to know in which order the scripts are called.
say i have chart1,5 min and signal1 attached and
chart2,5 min and signal2 attached.
assume, signal1 script is called first.
question: is signal1 script processed completely before signal2 script
gets entered and so on ?

thank you

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Postby bowlesj3 » 16 Jul 2009

I read something about this for TS once but it was a long time ago. You are going to have to test to confirm this using print statements but I suspect this is the answer. I think the order charts are processed is the order you created them in the workspace. I think the order the scripts are processed within the chart are alpha order. I am pretty sure I am correct on the second one. You could create a series of workspaces to test my theory on the first one.

You might find some answers if you do searches on how MC processes using multi processors. My understanding is if you have 8 charts and 8 cores each chart's scripts are processed by a different core of the 8. My first thought is that it could be somewhat random across charts in this situation due to parallel processing. If it is critical that processing in one script be done before another starts you can always use global variables to control this.

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Postby ts2mc » 20 Jul 2009

thank you for answer.
my hope was not do any investigation as the MC team should
able to give a definite information about this.

the order of script execution and the kind of parallelistaion
(each script processed completely before next or line by line or
is very important if you need to synchronize a bundle of scripts.

(if we could could trade more than 1 symbol per script, we would not
have those requirements)

please help*

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